Saturday, August 25

Feline Friday on Saturday: Cuddle Buddies

Cuddle Buddies--Not!

Want more cat blogging? Try these:

Carnival of the Cats which will be hosted at The Scratching Post

Bad Kitty Cats Chaos Festival hosted this week by Pet's Garden Blog, where the optional theme is Flowers or Butterflies

Lots of great kitty links listed at Bad Kitty Cats' Journal!

Blogging Cat Noos

Any of the cat lovers' blog on my sidebar. Have a great weekend!


Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Kitty Kooties - hehehe, wow I am impressed! Great slide pics... we love Kosmo and Mouse.

Kitty Kooties - giggles.

Purrs and Hugs and Loves to you all

Anonymous said...

What a cute siesta together, lol !
I am here for the Kitty Chaos.

Grace In Small Things

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