Monday, September 24

Mancat Monday With Kosmo/Screwy Weekend

Ah, Kosmo, you are handsome even when you are half asleep!

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Why was this a weird weekend?


my mom was hospitalized on Friday night with complications of diverticulosis (I think)...hopefully all went well and she is home today. She had some tests over the weekend and they look good.

TB's first wife inherited a piece of property with her brother after their parents died. It's in Connecticut. I'm not sure how big it is but it was useless to the family because, at the time, it was landlocked and they couldn't get any right of way to a street. The land sat there, basically forgotten and the taxes unpaid, for all these years. Out of the blue, about a year ago, the tax collector from that town called. There were buyers who wanted the property and were willing to pay all the back taxes. The heirs just needed to be located...that was TB and his brother-in-law.

I'm not sure what the deal is or was with the in-laws but they never did call the tax collector back. A couple of weeks ago, a man called me from CT and wanted to discuss the property. He also was having trouble contacting the in-laws--the same people Linda lived with when she left in 2005. I explained to the man that I thought there was some probably bad blood between the in-laws, TB and Linda--on their part. We have nothing against them.

Undeterred, the man decided to make two separate offers so that the in-laws wouldn't have to deal with us. Yesterday, the man came down with a friend and TB signed the papers. Everything was very pleasant. I was surprised to learn that the man was a published author. He brought a book he'd just published and signed it for us.

They left and headed off to the in-laws, hoping to find them at home. They did and had a really bad experience. I'm sorry for that because the buyers were very nice and I don't understand the attitude of the in-laws. I wish the buyers well.

In the middle of all that, I was trying to get Carnival of the Cats up and running and the links were all bad on me. That was frustrating.

Our Little T came home from his camping trip crabby and tired. He was pulling and pointing at his ear, never a good sign, and today we learned that yes, he has another ear infection. One of the tubes placed in his ear the summer of 2006 has fallen out and that is the ear that's gotten infected twice now in the same month.

And the last bit of weirdness came when TB's boss called to see how he was feeling. The doctor wanted TB to stay off work at least until the results of the MRI came back. The MRI is scheduled for Wednesday afternoon...and I don't know all the details yet at that point, the boss said we're letting you go, you made too many mistakes here. Oh, that is the game they want to play is it? That really sucks!

1 comment:

Victor Tabbycat said...

That's an ofurwhemlin weekend. I fink I'd go sleep unner the bed until fings gotted back to more normal. Um, whatefur NORMAL is!
Kosmo looks like Bonnie!

Grace In Small Things

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