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I think T is working with play doh here but I'm not sure. A year ago, he wouldn't touch the stuff at all. His daddy Kennan bought him a play doh set that had lots of different tools and molds and that really helped. T was willing to use a rolling pin and cookie dough cut out to play with the stuff. Now he'll roll it between his hands. Big change!
I think the purpose of this is to expose T to more enclosed places. Somehow I have a feeling he enjoyed going through this tunnel. He's always enjoyed playing in boxes and trying to close himself in so I don't think that's much of an issue for him.
Now, this would be a big challenge for him. For the longest time, T did not walk around barefoot. He always had to have shoes and socks on. He would get really upset when it was time to take them off. Now he easily tolerates going around in his socks, sometimes will go around the house barefoot and once we even got him to walk through the sand outside barefoot!
Although he didn't enjoy this activity much, he was still willing to do it. What a trooper! Our little guy is truly a special little soul!
1 comment:
It's great to see T has such good caring people working with him! He is so beautiful. the first picture, his face is of an angel! Too cute you just want to squish and hug him!
Sending love...
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