Monday, January 28

What is a nervous breakdown anyway?

What happens when you have one? Can you feel that last straw break?

Is it when staying a week in a psych ward looks actually appealling, like maybe you'd get a break from the stress at home?

Is it when you practically have to tie yourself into your chair so you don't get up and smash every window in sight, hoping to cut your hands up real good?

But then when you ask to go and you're asked, "Are you sure?" and you suddenly remember there's a little one in the house and do we really want to put him through that tonight when already we had no idea for the longest time where his worthless mother was and so you go back into your room until you can put on a normal face and then go back out and act like nothing's wrong. So that can't be it, can it, because with a real breakdown you can't turn it off, right?

1 comment:

Michelle said...

If you find out what exactly it is, can you tell me? I had to go out and attack a tree last night with a broom just to keep from breaking anything (and what do you know, it involved Spidey's mother). I'm about at the end of my rope with all that's going on with us. I hope, though, that things work out for you and your family. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Grace In Small Things

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