Tuesday, April 1

Cats on Tuesday: Our New Cat House

The tent we bought recently really made a big hit with the gang. The biggest drawback is that it's one tent and there are five cats trying to use it! Here, Ted and Sox are playing.

Sox: Mooooommmmy! We broked the tent! What do we do now?

Obviously, it was time to get another tent or two. While we were shopping, though, we noticed different condo style tents. Hmmmm....maybe the gang would like this one. It could easily fit four of them at one time. The little tent wasn't really broken, just needed to be sit up again. There'd be a place for everybody--not that they'd all try to use it at the same time but still...

Mouse sez: Oh, I likes it very much! I have my own little efficiency apartment up here!

Amber: Oooh I like it too! Upstairs are too little apartments where we can have our privacy or visit if we want and downstairs is a common room. It's comfy cozy!

Mouse sez, Y'all come back now, hear?

We've seen Cubby in the new kitty condo but haven't been fast enough with the camera to catch him. He mostly likes to streak through it and chase the other kitties out.

As Cubby's become more secure at home, his little personality is shining through. He seems to have a perpetual "smile" on his face and one of his favorite things to do is try to get the others to play tag with him. He always wants to be it and do the chasing!

Want more cat blogging? Visit Gattina for more Cats On Tuesday

The New Tuxedo Gang Hideout for Tuxie Tuesday

and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow! We are sooooo jealous of that!

Looks like alot of fun for all!

~Shade and Goldie

Celeste said...

Hose are so neat!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, that pink tent looks fabulous! Enjoy! :)

To answer your question: both of us have Meezer blood. All pointed Sphynx get their points from Siamese somewhere in their ancestry. Merlin is a Seal Point and White Sphynx, and Dragonheart's dam was a blue point Sphynx, so both have Siamese somewhere in their pedigree!

Ingrid said...

Is there a guest room for me in this tent ? It's so cute ! I bought one for Rosie and then I had also to buy a second one because Arthur and Rosie were fighting who could go in ! Now they play like crazy with both tents never sleep in it just pushing them around and turn them upside down. It's so much fun apparently ! The pink tent is especially beautiful ! If you watch Arthur playing you think of an Elephant, he has the same elegance !

Tybalt said...

Oh my paws and whiskers!!!!

How cute is that?

Deana said...

The world could so use more love and kindness. It is hard to remember that when you grow impatient with strangers but it always makes for a better day when you remember that maybe they didn't get to grow up like you did.

I LOVE those tents. I have got to get one for my babies. I think they would enjoy that alot. I love your pictures! (as always).

Daisy said...

That pink and black condo/tent is NEAT-O!

catsynth said...

Looks like you're having a lot of fun with those tents. And it's very cute to see the black (or mostly black) kitties peeking out from green and pink :)

Andree said...

I simply have to get a few of those tents for my gang. Privacy, warmth; they are perfect! Your gorgeous kitties are great advertisements for them!


So have the kitties make a
test run on the pink condo and
let me know if they love it!
I was thinking of buying a
larger condo like the pink one.
My kitties love the single type
condo alot! purr purr
I hope you have a 'kind' day and
I wish you enough!
PS I enjoy your info articles alot!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. I'm impressed with your new pink condo. Can I have one too?? Haha. It's funny I don't see that over here although I do frequent one of the biggest pet shops around here. In fact I can't even find the "single storey" one :P

Anyway, thanks for sharing this condo. I will still be keeping an eye open for one over here.

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Wow, what a cool pink condo! Willow and I would have fun in one like that!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

Anonymous said...

I have never seen a two story tent, very fancy! I recently bought a simple cat tent from IKEA and my eight all love it. I have been meaning to post about it. Perhaps next week? You have a lovely group. I am glad the newcomer is settling in nicely!

Grace In Small Things

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