Thursday, February 18

Thursday Thirteen #52: Nightmare House by Douglas Clegg

Thursday Thirteen

I just finished Nightmare House by Douglas Clegg. I saw someone do a Thursday Thirteen about a book just read, listing 13 things about it and I thought it was a great idea! Here goes:

Thirteen Things About Nightmare House

1. The story takes place in upstate New York, 1926.

2. The setting is the haunted-by-evil-spirits Harrow House.

3. The main character is Ethan Gravesend (he of two names), a young man who grew up with an affection for Harrow House and his grandfather, Justin Gravesend.

4. Justin Gravesend had Harrow House built to his design and added on to it to the point that the villagers called it the "Mad House".

5. The house got a reputation of being haunted, even as "young" as it is. By that, I mean it was built while Justin was a young man.

6. Ethan grew up in a basically loveless home. He never understood why his father seemed to dislike him--and the grandfather--so much.

7. Ethan inherits Harrow House and goes to live there not long after his grandfather dies.

8. He meets some very interesting and quirky characters there.

9. Does Ethan have a guardian angel?

10. The narrative switches from first person to third. Sometimes Ethan tells the story; sometimes it's someone else.

11. The "feel" of the story is Gothic.

12. How did such Harrow House become haunted? Not enough people had lived or died there for that to happen and yet ... something weird's going on there! You'd have to read it and find out how the evil moved in.

13. Harrow House unnerved me as much as The Overlook (from The Shining) or Hill House (from the movie) did. It was a very spooky story!


Julia Phillips Smith said...

Wonderful Thursday Thirteen! I also do book reviews sometimes as a Thursday Thirteen - it gives me a nice breadth of points to cover.

Really enjoyed yours!

sherilee said...

Sounds like an interesting book... I don't do haunted/scary stuff--too spooky! But a great idea for a TT!

Thanks for stopping by Sweet Tea and Sunshine!

Ingrid said...

I don't know the book but it sounds interesting ! I just read one about a murderer in 17 hundred something in Paris, who was a parfum creator to hide the bad smell of unwashed people and then he killed women who smelled exeptionally good ! Lol ! sounds crazy but it's a real thriller.

Americanising Desi said...

shux i should go back to books!

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