Here I am in March, 2008
My husband, TB, needed bariatric surgery too and we decided that since he had severe problems with his back possibly requiring surgery, he should have his procedure first. After exploring all options, he decided he wanted a duodenal switch. We were really impressed with Dr. David Greenbaum, a highly qualified and caring surgeon. He was switched in November 2008.

Here I am a year later, March, 2009. My surgery was scheduled for April.
I'd started out wanting the lapband because it was the least invasive procedure of all. Because I had Type II diabetes, though, Dr. Wasser (who works with Dr. Greenbaum and does lapbands and gastric bypasses) didn't recommend the lapband. There wasn't a high rate of success for diabetes going into remission with that procedure. He recommended the gastric bypass.
I looked at that procedure and decided I didn't like it at all. For one thing, there was a large percentage of weight regain. A lot of people started out with the bypass and ended up having revisional surgery to the switch. I wouldn't be able to take NSAIDs and with arthritis and fibromyalgia, how could I not take ibuprofen? There's the issue of "dumping" which is a reaction to eating sugar--not just the processed stuff but also to natural sugars in fruits. No, no bypass for me! It would be the switch!
The procedure went off without a hitch. I was scared but the next thing I knew, I was waking up in recovery. Dr. G was smiling down on me and telling me everything was fine. I spent five days in the hospital and was up and walking within hours of my surgery. I had a few bumps and glitches in the first few weeks pre-op but nothing so terrible.

These pictures were taken in July 2009, about 3 months post-op

Here I am 6 months post-op, October 2009

This was my avatar picture in November 2009.

I'd lost 100 pounds (from my heaviest weight in 2008) when this picture was taken.
I weighed myself today, February 10, 2010.

I've lost 100 pounds since the day of my surgery--134 lbs. since March 2008.


Good riddance to all that fat!

Hello, healthier living!