Tuesday, May 15

Ten Songs That Make Me Sad

Ten on Tuesday

10 Songs That Make You Sad

1. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton --gosh, who wouldn't feel sad about this song? Clapton wrote it to deal with his grief after his son fell out a window and was killed

2. You Don't Bring Me Flowers Anymore by Neil Diamond & Barbra Streisand -- sad song about a couple who have lost all their spark

3. Mr. Tanner by Harry Chapin -- about a man who loved to sing and was encouraged to put on a professional performance & was so roundly critized he wouldn't sing publically anymre

4. Cats in the Cradle by Harry Chapin -- this is what happens when you are too busy to pay attention to your kids when they are little

5. A Better Place To Be by Harry Chapin -- a song for all the lonely

6. Flowers are Red by Harry Chapin -- about how a child can be damaged by a teacher

7. Green Green Grass of Home by Tom Jones -- a executed convict goes home to be buried

8. Shilo by Neil Diamond -- about a neglected child who turns to an imaginery friend

9. My name is Luka by Suzanne Vega, a very moving song about child abuse

10. Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles -- the whole song is totally depressing, 'all the lonely people, where do they all come from?'


Patois42 said...

Right, "My Name is Luka." And the whole Harry Chapin thing -- that he died relatively young always makes me sad to hear his songs. (Ditto Jim Croce.) Nice list.

MommaBoo said...

I heard "My Name is Luka" about a week ago in my car. I had to pull into a Hardee's and boowho. Thank goodness I had some tissue in the car!

I TOTALLY agree with you AND my list could've been 10x longer!

Have a blessed week!

Ang said...

Ooh, those are some very sad songs, it seems. I didn't know about the Eric Clapton song. I knew it was a sad song, but now it's even sadder!

It seems Harry Chapin wrote a lot of sad songs! I don't know if I've ever heard any of them, though.

Eleanor Rigby... that song can't make me sad, but I can see why it'd be sad. For me, though, it holds fun memories - we did that song one year for marching band when we did a Beatles theme, so it was good times for me.

Good songs! I'll have to look some of them up!

Grace In Small Things

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