Tuesday, August 7

Ten Things I'd Never Do Again

Ten on Tuesday

Ten Things You Will NEVER Do Again...

1. Smoke a cigarette. It was the hardest addiction I ever broke and I would not take a puff for fear I'd get hooked right back, even after 20 years

2. Drink myself sober. That's what we used to say when we'd drink so much we didn't pass out but felt miserably hung-over and irritable. It's a nasty feeling.

3. Drink, period. It was becoming a problem in my 20s and didn't want to go down that road.

4. Forget to double check what's behind or to the side of me before I change lanes. And I don't mean just using the mirrors, I mean looking over my shoulder. Totalled one car, don't want to ever do that again.

5. Let a doctor convince me not to seek medical treatment when I feel something really is wrong. I had a ruptured appendix; doctor told me it was gastroenteritis. Uh-huh.

6. Overuse my hands--repetitive motion injuries are very very painful.

7. Be so careless with my health. You can't take it for granted.

8. Try to see if there really was a maniac with a butcher knife running around the high school (there was--and he stabbed two security guards and took a hostage before being blown away by a SWAT team)

9. Ruin my credit

10. Go to certain restaurants where the service sucked


Becky said...

I here you w/ #9! Happy Tuesday! Thanks for stopping by! =)

Hootin Anni said...

#4 and #8!! I like them all on your list, but the two mentioned above are stupendous ideas for this week's list.


Julia said...

ohh #8 sound scary! So glad that everyone was okay. And #5, you right don't trust the doctor if you feel in your gut something is really wrong. Always get a second doctor for second opinion. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog - Happy Ten on Tuesday...

Grace In Small Things

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