Tuesday, November 13

Through The Fibro Fog

Fibro Fog frustrates me when I become cognizant enough to realize I'm getting nothing done. I can never predict when it's going to hit. Sometimes it comes along with the associated aches and pains and sometimes it doesn't. So this morning I sat down in front of the computer to work on my Nanowrimo novella of 50,000 words--no I'm nowhere near that number yet! I have a progress bar on my side bar that tells me I'm 26% there.

Thing is, I was 26% there yesterday when I also was in a fog and in pain. It must have been a creative fog. When I opened my eyes just a few minutes ago, I realized that in the almost 3 hours I've been messing around with the computer I have not written a single word that had anything to do with the story. I've done lots of other things but exactly what I couldn't tell you at the moment. It's like my brain took a trip to the beach without me and is surfing and lying in the sun and forgot to bring the tired achy body along.

Well, it hasn't all been for naught. I finally figured out who it is that sings the version of "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" thanks to Jorge Garcia. He has a blog but I'm afraid to link to him because I don't want him to stop writing. It's not like I have so many readers who are also Lost fans and would flock right over there and overwhelm him so I don't know why I think linking to him would be a problem. Anyway, he mentioned going to the movies and that they all seem to end with that version of "Rainbow" ... and he mentioned the artist!

So I ran right over to youtube to watch several versions. This is the one I like best.

Anyway, so have accomplished one thing: a post for NaBloWriMo!

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