Amber's back! It only took a year or so for her to venture back into our room and make herself at home on her cozy or on our bed. I'd really missed her visits. Amber, like Indigo, would like to be an only kitty and doesn't take to change easily. I didn't think it would take so long, though, and she and Kosmo still have a very tenuous relationship. Amber tolerates Mouse's proximity but growls, hisses and spits at Kosmo. Maybe it's because he still behaves aggressively around her, staring at her balefully and sometimes chasing her or swatting her.
What is it with these guys? Is it rejection? The boys still seem to like to "get it on" with the stuffed animals even though they are neutered so I wonder if they tried that with the girls and were roundly routed for it. They do seem to hold grudges. Mouse treats Indy the same way and so she won't even come down the stairs voluntarily.
Anyway, I took some pictures of the momentous occasion when I came into the bedroom and saw Amber actually on the bed within 3 feet of Kosmo!
Amber sez, I missed you guys, too! It's good to be back!
Don't forget to check out:
Weekend Cat Blogging at the New Tuxedo Gang Hideout!
Blogging Cat Noos
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos, hosted by Zed Monster, where the theme is birds or feathers
This is the last time Laurence of TBIFOC is hosting Carnival of the Cats. We stumbled onto the carnival several years back and have been happily cat blogging ever since. It's going to seem weird without Laurence leading COTC and we will miss him. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. We say to Laurence: thank you, best wishes and have a wonderful 2008!
Tigger started hissing at anything that moved back when Persia went, well over a year ago. She's claming down again a bit now.
But Trixie! Crikey! She took a violent dislike to Pyewacket in September and has hissed heavily and sulked a lot since. Pye cringes and turns her back on her.
Trixie is VERY jealous and wants to be an only child. She gets the lion's share of attention, but wants more. She has now taken to rolling on her back in front of Pye to entice her over, then whapping her and biting.
Lucky little Pye is quick! Trixie wouldn't dare try that on with Tigger, she'd get whapped back hard.
I just say - "Tough kittens!" They all need to learn to be bit nicer to each other, and not just in winter when they are sharing the electric blanket.
P.S. Forgot to mention, we are all girls.
Sounds just like me an Bonnie. She was 8 when I was 8 months old an didn't like that I dopted Mom. Two years later now, we have stare-downs in doorways. She's the one who fusses and growls and hisses, but she's coming around. The day after Christmas, she slept on Mom's feet in bed for the first time in all this time... and I was on the other side.
She denies that efur happened and returned to hissin an growlin an swattin me right away, but it was nice while it lasted. Sum cats just take longer to adjust.
PS I don't try to make out wif toys or Bonnie or anyfing.
PPS Efun wif all the hissin an growlin an whappin, we has nefur hurted each other an there's no bitin. Bonnie's front declawed an I wouldn't fink of scratchin her on purpose.
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