Thursday, December 6

Fun With Little T

Around Thanksgiving, we began decorating up the house. We put the more kid-fun and kid-friendly animated toys in the living room where Little T could enjoy them. He really enjoys setting off all the toys at one time. I'm not sure if it's the motion, the lights or the cacophony of music that he enjoys the most. I've begun reading a book about sensory integration dysfunction in kids and I've already recognized a lot of T in what I'm reading--and actually, I also recognize some of Heidi. Anyway, having a whole lots of noise coming in at once doesn't seem to affect the little guy adversely.

Speaking of whom, I've got to go and pick him up from school! Later!


Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - looks like some fun at yer house!

Ingrid said...

Thank you so much for your good wishes. Rosie is fine, she started already to bothe her brother Arthur. She has no cut and no stitches, just a little shaved square on her belly. It is amazing. That's why she can jump and run around I was so surprised ! I took a picture this morning. What a big progress for spaying females !

Michelle said...

Today, I found out that my 4 year old stepson also has PDD-NOS. It was certainly a shock to us, though we knew something was wrong. I remembered reading about it somewhere, and then remembered it was on your site. If you can recommend any books or sites that have helped your family, I would love to get more information.

Thanks so much for posting about Little T! He's such a sweet little guy!

Grace In Small Things

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