Tuesday, December 18

Ten Reasons I Haven't Updated In Over A Week

It's not just procrastination...it's the holidays! For my Ten on Tuesday, I choose not to do resolutions for the New Year. It's too early for one thing and for another I procrastinate and for yet another, I find them discouraging when I review at the end of the year and see how many I broke or didn't accomplish. So, instead, here's a mini-update of the way things are around here and why I haven't posted in over a week:

1. I lost my wallet...very traumatic. I spent many hours tearing apart my disorganized living area, didn't find it and had to put everything back. Now I need to replace everything, including my social security card and driver's license.

2. It took a while to do the Christmas cards, especially when I kept misplacing the list

3. Even though we didn't buy much this year, there still seemed to be a lot of presents to wrap. I decided to get it done the other day so I wouldn't be faced with it Christmas Eve

4. We've been sick...colds, fevers, puke-ups, upset tummies, the runs, insomnia--the whole works from TB on down to little T

5. There've been a lot of doctor appointments and I'm going along for the ride or being poked or prodded. Mostly they've been doctor visits for TB and the very latest in bad news is that he has more retinopathy, which means bleeding, in his right eye. There's also a micro amount of protein in his urine--I'm not supposed to worry because it's small? The good news--and there is some good news--is that his A1C is coming down, from 10 to 9. It was 13 at one point.

6. I'm stilll trying to figure out how to edit the mpegs the camcorder takes. I haven't been able to figure out how to piece them all together. Windows movie maker won't take mpegs. The software that came with the camera doesn't splice--or what ever you call it. Freeware--well, you get what you pay for. Right now we can't afford software.

7. I feel disorganized, discouraged and overwhelmed a lot lately.

8. On the upside, Bill's got a job for the winter break that guarantees at least 20 hours. He'll be working as a cashier for a grocery store not far from here--the same place where Linda just got a job.

9. On the downside, Toyota sent someone to repossess Linda's car.

10. And what did Blogger do to my banner????? It's bad enough that my virus infected computer went bonkers on me this week on top of everything else but to come and look at my blog and see a decimated picture is just too much!

I did make a slideshow of pictures and screen grabs from the past weekend. Amber would not sit still to be photographed for love or money, not even fish.

It’s beginning to look more like Christmas


Ingrid said...

When I read this, I am happy to not work anymore and Christmases now are no stress at all for me !

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh dear; not a happy list... what can we say to cheer you up? Oh, and re the new years resolutions... you wait until the end of the year to check your list... I check mine usually on January 5 and they're already all in the "can". Hope one and all will be healthy, wealthy and wise real soon -- able to enjoy your time together over Christmas. Check Mosaic Cats blog; her banner went bonkers, too! Merry Christmas to all of you!

Lux said...

My mom says she can definitely identify with what you're going through.

Hang in there & hugs,

ZOOLATRY said...

A new day now... December 24... and we hope that Santy is very very good to everyone at TTTOT, as you are all most deserving.
Merry Christmas to each of you...
and may the New Year bring all good things your way.

Grace In Small Things

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