Tuesday, February 26

Cats on Tuesday: What Is Sox Eating Now?

Between all the lunacy going on around here--and yet there is no full moon--and because of certain illnesses, aches, and pains Kristin's sleep study was put off until March 12. So I used my time wisely and productively and made a short video about Sox and junk food. :D

Sox and Cubby have more than a passing interest in people food and so I sort of think that they got a treat now and then from the table. Cubby hasn't really ventured out much to the dining room to ask for some of our lunch or dinner, but Sox is not so shy. In fact, if one of the chairs is vacant, Sox takes his place and wants to know where his plate is. I have seen my feline friends eat all sorts of goodies--and not so goodies--but I have never before had one eat jalapeno Doritos.

Yes, that's right. Super spicy jalapeno Dorito chips!

TB and I were sitting down to watch our favorite show, Lost, and were indulging in a rare treat for us. He had a little bag of the spicy Doritos and I had some kettle chips. As TB is about to eat his chip, we see a streak of black and white, the chip disappears right out of TB's hand and we hear a crunch crunch crunch! Honestly, I thought I was hallucinating. Sox nonchalantly scarfed the chip down and wanted more.

Spicy jalapeno Dorito chips????

I don't think so!

Still, I wished I had my camera ready. I got my chance a week later when my son happened to bring home sour cream and onion chips.

Now I have a question for everyone.

Before I forget, the last poll I conducted was about who is the fairest bather of them all? And the winner was .... .... Mouse! He has style, he has class! :)

And just in case it was missed when I posted it yesterday, here's another look at the wonderful March banner Ann made for the gang. Thanks again, Ann!

Want more cat blogging? Be sure to check out Gattina's blog, My Cats and Funny Stories for more Cats on Tuesday;

The New Tuxedo Gang Hideout for Tuxie Tuesday;

and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest in the cat lovers' world of blogging!


Ingrid said...

That's really amazing ! I have never heard of a cat eating spicy potatoe chips !! None of my cats has an especially strange taste, they don't even eat catnips ! The banner is very cute !!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Wow, Sox, you are really enjoying that chip! We don't like spicy chips. The humans food we like to eat tend to be fish, like salmon!

Parker said...

I think I would have to take a pass on the Doritos!

Deana said...

Baby will chew the ends of a regular Dorito but never the Jalapeno I don't think. That seems might spicy for a cat.

Darius loves to sneak and eat the thick lard type birthday cake icing off if he finds a desserted piece and no one catches him!

Anonymous said...

Grayson is a cat food snob. He will not touch anything in human foods. Gandalf, on the other hand, loves cake~

Mother of Invention said...

I love the banner! Mu cats don't really know what people food is and just eat dry kibble!

Tybalt said...

Sox is a true connoiseur!

Daisy said...

Salty, crunchy snacks are delicious! I voted for bananers, because my big sister Pixie eats some every day.

CRIZ LAI said...

Hmm...that's interesting. My Jon like spicy cakes whereas Jess will take anything spicy like black pepper chicken. The wonderful thing is that all are so pampered that they won't touch white bread.. only those with butter, jam or peanut butter on them.. haha.


Luna und Luzie said...

Oh, that is funny. That remembers me to our old cat Dixie who diede before 5 years. She loves potato chips too. But our cats now don´t love that. Luzie loves to eat soft curd cheese.
Luna and Frieda love to eat cooked ham.

Andree said...

Ouch! My cats licked hot sauce once and actually had blisters in their mouth. I am SO careful now with that stuff! Great story and I loved the survey you have. My CoT is here. Thank you.

kuanyin333 said...

What is most amazing about cats is that no two of them are alike--similar but not identical! They each have personalities and likes and dislikes! Now Anela has no cravings for human food...she turns her nose up at our offerings.


Great wearing o the green banner
it is so o shamrocky! Very fun!
Yes I am sandwiched between two
generations a real young one -
a tween and my mom, older and
feisty. I am lucky to have them both, but some days are just
rough and I feel sandwiched
inbe-tween them both. Thanks for
My cats can be weird wanting, goldfish crackers - the cheese ones, fritos and black olives.
But nothing spicy like yours!
I just think they want salt?
Guess we should do a little

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of a cat eating spicy food either. Boots was licking up vegetable soup today but she doesn't seem to go for anything strange.

Ellen Whyte said...

Scoop used to eat blue cheese, mature cheddar, sweetcorn and honey dew melon. Au is extremely conservative and target appears to be similarly unadventurous. Sox looks like he might have gotten along with well with our old Scoop!

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