Sunday, February 3

Little T's Birthday: More Pictures

Here we are, arriving at school for the day. T used to get upset if the door was opened for us--he wants to do it himself--but has gotten used to the routine of arriving and departing over these last couple of months.

T needs some help keeping the party hat on his head. Notice in the picture previous, T is wearing a ski cap. Wearing a cap or hat is a new willingness on T's part. He would never allow it before--the most he could tolerate was the hood up on his hoodie or jacket.

He's not quite sure he likes the party hat because of the elastic. However, because it's his birthday or because everyone else is wearing one (or some other reason) he does leave it on until after cupcakes and dessert.

How To Eat A Cupcake 101

Try not to get any frosting on sensory sensitive fingers!

Always lick the frosting off first!

How about more pictures?

Little T’s Birthday

After the refreshments, the kids enjoyed a couple of rounds of Musical Chairs and then Duck Duck Goose. Here's a clip of Little T and the kids.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Aww, happy birthday Little T! Spidey turned five on January 27th, so it looks like you guys have close birthdays too!

I'll email you soon with more info on the pics of Spidey and why I posted them like that on my site :)

Grace In Small Things

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