Tuesday, March 11

Cats on Tuesday: Looking Out For Each Other


I know I've posted at least on of these pictures before but here's a little back story for them:

Cubby and Sox seem to be well tolerated by the rest of the gang but every once in a while, Kosmo gets jealous and grumpy around them. So as the new kids on the block were snuggling up together for a nap, Cubby's sharp little ears detected something and he looks up. Who's there?

Ah, it's Kosmo! It's hard to tell whether Kosmo's in a good mood or not. The little ones are napping where Kosmo likes to sleep so chances are he is grumpy! Cubby keeps an eye on him for a while and is on the alert even when ...

...he puts his little head down to sleep. He throws one protective leg over Sox. One eye is still open a little as he waits to make sure all is safe.

And when Kosmo decides to leave to hunt out something to eat, Cubby finally relaxes and falls asleep!

Want more cat blogging? Check out more Cats on Tuesday at My Cats & Funny Storiesand Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


CRIZ LAI said...

Sometimes my kittens does that too when they tried to approach their Mum. Jess can be one minute fine and the next minute hissing at any of them. I wondered what made her do that to her kits :P

Az said...

Awww, your cats are adorable!

Tybalt said...

Cubby, you are a great mancat, looking after your brother that way!

Anonymous said...

That's a very nice thing to do! You goota watch each other's backs!

Ingrid said...

So touching pictures ! and my cats never go so close to each other, not even Rosie and Arthur !

Anonymous said...

How sweet! I love how protective Cubby is of Sox...and the photo of Cubby trying to rest, but with one eye open still. Great photos and sweet story!

MaoMao said...

Awww, that's so sweet how Cubby and Sox are togethur! It's great to have loving kitty siblings!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

kuanyin333 said...

Anela misses her old partner who passed over the rainbow. She watched over him too! Good photos and story!

Anonymous said...

Awww, Cubby and Sox are precious siblings! They look so snuggly together.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Deana said...

Yep, this is what I am so jealous of!


Sooooooooooo Sweet, just
love that cuddly kitty

Tinnocker said...

Great pictures of the Kits Sweetie!
Luv Ya

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