Big and small
Heavy and light
Dark and bright (furs)
Want more cat blogging? Recently I was invited to join a social group called Kitty Happy and it looks like so much fun! Come check it out!
Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest
Finally Friday
Friday Ark
This weekend:
Weekend Cat Blogging is hosted by Paulchens
Carnival of the Cats is hosted by Chey's Place
The Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is hosted at Life From A Cat's Perspective. The optional theme is: Easter edition.
Yep they do look like opposites. We look furry similar, but our purrsonalities are diffrunt. I (Flynn) haf to run efurrywhere and can't keep still. Eric ambles along and tomorrow will do furr him.
Wow. 10 sekonds of cooperashun. What were you guys finking????
Purrs, KC
Hmmm, the expression on your faces looks like it was kind of an uneasy truce, buddies. Good demonstration, though!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Great exercise in contrasts! :)
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