Saturday, May 10

Happy Birthday, Son

Today Bill is 21 years old! I had totally different plans in mind for the day considering what a special blessing he is. But as the John Lennon saying goes, "Life is what happens to you when you're making other plans." Before I get to that, I wrote a blog entry about my son's birth for a really cool meme called A Slice Of Life. Since I had so many pictures to go with it, I posted it at Snapshot Memories. You can read all about Bill's special birth day there if you like.

Traditionally, I liked to take the kids out for their "special" birthdays and so we'd go to TGIFriday's or Fuddrucker's etc. This year, since TB and I have been struggling so financially, the fall back is what would you like us to make you for dinner? And Bill, great kid that he is, named a childhood favorite. Not steak or chicken but hotdogs, baked beans and macaroni and cheese. He is one special young man.

We got him a gift certificate for Borders'. I know he'll like that; he loves to read. I wish it was more.

I have to try and coordinate who is going to where when so I can figure out when to have dinner and cake and gifts.

The monkey in the wrench is that TB's in the hospital. He just wasn't responding to the antibiotics prescribed and so the doctor said it was time to go to the ER. This is a very very difficult thing for us both because of what we went through with our first spouses. It's kicking up all kinds of memories, particularly for the kids and me. Rich died on May 23, 2001 and that anniversary is approaching.

TB's on IV antibiotics (ancef, I think) until the infection clears up enough that the hospital will feel confident to send him home. Unfortunately, that may be more than the 72 hours they originally guessed because he just hadn't started responding to the oral medications at all. Sometimes you just get to a point where you are scared and discouraged and wonder if it's too late to start making positive changes...I don't want to think that. I want to think it's never too late.

This infection, cellulitis, probably came about because of water retention and that is a result of weight and diabetes. The wake up calls have been ringing loudly for some time now and we've been working hard on these issues.

We have been really careful about what we eat although it means we are fighting cravings and hunger a lot of the time.

I am thinking of dropping Abilify from the meds I take as well because not only can it (and maybe it did) wreak havoc with my sugar, it also causes weight gain. I had gained weight since taking it and didn't make the connection; I just felt miserable and down on myself that even though I was eating carefully I was still putting on weight. I thought it might be lack of exercise.

Check all possibilities, folks.

This morning I will go to visit TB but need to get back to also be here for Bill and make that hotdog dinner for him...if he needs to go to work. I kind of hope he has the day off. Wouldn't that be nice to not have to work on your birthday?

I'm not sure when I'll post again, sporadically, I'm sure, at least until TB is out of the hospital.


Andrew said...

Happy Birthday to your son!!! I am thinking of you and TB. I've had cellulitis and it sucks. In my lower leg. I almost couldn't walk.

Daisy said...

Happy, happy birthday to Bill! And I will purr and purr that TB will get well soon.

Melissa said...

oh happy birthday to your boy. Im sure it has gone by soo fast :)

muffinmidi said...

You and TB are in my prayers.If it's any comfort,it's not unusual for cellultis not to respond to oral antibiotics. Most people I know have wound up getting IV therapy for it.At least in the hosptal your husband is getting
more attentive care. If the drugs aren't working they'll immedately try something else, with none of this 'call me in the morning' crap.
I know it's hard not to panic, though.
Keep strong and say a happy birthday to you son for me.

Grace In Small Things

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