Sunday, July 27

I'm hoping this is normal but...

I wasn't quite expecting this reaction to the good news. I expected to feel relieved and I am. I also expected to feel energized and upbeat but I'm not. I guess the stress was really at work on my body because I don't feel what I expected to feel after learning we'd be able to save the house and so on. I feel exhausted and drained, irritable and unable to focus. I thought I'd be posting cat pictures and blogging away happily, catching up on all the kind comments people have left for me.

Instead, I'm wondering why I don't feel better. Maybe I should take a nap.

Most people want to avoid having their vehicles re-po'd and I'm wondering when Toyota is going to get their act together and come get the car. We leased TB's car in 2005 and don't let anyone tell you that leasing is a great deal, it's not. But that's another story. We've been trying to give this freaking car back since January. By June of this year, we were telling Toyota look, we have no money, please just come get the car. And Toyota, inexplicably, was saying, we don't want to come get the car.

In the beginning of the month we got a letter from Toyota stating that if we didn't pay what we owed, they were going to break the lease July 17th. Good...they'd come get the car and we could stop worrying about it.

It's July 27 and they haven't come for the car. TB's taken everything out of it that was of any value to us anticipating that it would be towed away any day. I'm thinking we have to take it to the dealership and leave it there.

Now I'm going to take a nap. I'm going to be kind of myself and not put pressure on myself to feel something I don't feel or do something I'm not ready to do (like happy blogging). I'm hoping this feeling of blahness will pass soon.


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...


this is Momma Astrid here:
don't stress yourself thinking you should feel something you don't feel right now.

you have been trough a lot the past few month and it's only natural that all this stress won't get away with a blink of an eye even if you got good news!
and heavens yes it is good news that you won't lose the house and that at least some stress and worrying weight is taken off your shoulders!!

but hell you'll need time to realize it! go cuddle your kitties put a smile on your face and feel whatever you feel!!
Oh and don't forget: go hug TB!!

love and hugs

Gattina said...

Now I understand why you didn't participate on COT. These Toyota people are crazy if they want to break the contract then they should also take the car. I wouldn't move a finger to take it back !

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's almost funny. If you were trying to hang onto the car or trying to hide it from them, they'd be paying big bucks to someone to track it down and steal it back. But when you ask them to come get it and they know exactly where it is, they don't bother. Weird.

After a real intense time, good news can be exhausting. So rest, relax and don't worry about blogging till you feel like it.

Grace In Small Things

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