Monday, July 21

More Bad News

Why are things so cruelly hard for the disabled? We got a letter from TB's union today that our health insurance was dropped. So he called to find out what's going on and the secretary said she didn't know he was disabled and so he'd be covered in full for a year. After that we thought we'd pay part of the premium like we did when TB was out for two years but no, we have to go with COBRA--at over $500 a month. This would be at the point where the temporary disability (a mere pittance) from the union is going to stop.

Obviously we wouldn't be able to do COBRA. Obviously we'd have to find some kind of coverage. TB has diabetes and so many other health conditions--he can't not have insurance. Maybe we would qualify for a state program. I know Kristin would under Family First New Jersey.

This is like being kicked over and over and over when we are already down and can barely get up. There's no good news, it's all just bad and getting worse.

I saw an episode of Cold Case the other day. A mother was driving around with her two daughters--they were living out of their car. I thought, yes, that could be us in just a few months. I don't know what we're going to do.


meemsnyc said...

Ugh, Health Insurance is so terrible here in the US. I'm sorry to hear about the bad news. That is very frustrating. Purrs to you.

Nancy in PA said...

:-( I'm so sorry it's more bad news... Hugs and prayers...

Daisy said...

I am so sorry you got this bad news. I hope you can work something out.

Grace In Small Things

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