Tuesday, August 26

Cats on Tuesday: Everything Is Much Better

Yesterday I made everything right for the cats. Don't they look content?

Check out the innocent expressions on Amber's and Cubby's faces. You'd never guess they're middle of the night menaces to sleep! Amber will walk on me until she finds a soft place to start kneading. I wake up to her kneading my tummy like it's bread dough. Then she'll quit and go to the foot of the bed to sleep. An hour later, she's at it again.

Cubby walks up my body and peers into my face to make sure it's really me. Then he walks back down, changes his mind about midway and walks back because he wants to be petted. So I give him a pet or two and he walks away...only to turn around and come back again. He'll do this all night long if I let him. After the third or fifth time, I can usually coax him out of the room and shut the door. He's always right there first thing in the morning! :)

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog. Today is also Tuxie Tuesday and then there's Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Anonymous said...

Hey there!

I just wanted to say thank you for the comment of my 3FC blog! Corbyn is managing for now, he's comfortable and still happy to cuddle up which is good, but I'm really hoping is ulcer doesn't burst before thursday!

And also - gorgeous cats! I wish we could have more, but only a wee flat so it'll have to wait until we can buy a house!

Thanks again :)



Luna und Luzie said...

Yes I can see that your cats looks really content !
But what about you ??? It seems that you must have sleepless nights, when they do that.... Ok, I also always look that my cats are content ;o)
I wish you a good night !

kuanyin333 said...

Adorable photos, and yes, they all look like one big happy family!

LA Nickers said...

Great pics!


Gattina said...

Hahaha ! nights with cats ! Isn't that a nightmare ? I have the same here that all cats sometimes come and check on me during the night, except Kim of course !


My cats are always climbing over
me at night, love it in winter how
they cuddle up, but in summer they
are too warm with all the fur.
I love happy, content cats!
Cats are good for our health, they finally proved it!!!! :)

Grace In Small Things

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