Tuesday, January 27

Cats on Tuesday: Kosmo at play

In about 10 minutes, we have to start driving all over southern New Jersey to make not only our appointments but Billy's as well so I probably won't be back online until tonight. :P

I did want to share some pictures of Kosmo playing with his favorite toy. He is still quite the kitten sometimes even at the not-always-so-dignified-age of 10...or is it 11?

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog. Today is also Tuxie Tuesday and then there's Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Ingrid said...

I think cats never loose the pleasure to play when they find something. Even my 17 year old Lisa moves and plays when she sees something to play with !

Tricia said...

Kosmo is beautiful, and you are never too old to have a good time.


C'est moi Claudette said...

I hope all goes well and thank you for sharing the cute pic.
From Canada

Unknown said...

How cute. My Katy is around Kosmo's age and every once in a while we catch her playing like a kitten, too. But she denies it every time. :)


Hello! Always nice to see an older
cat act playful like a kitten. My
oldest cat Shadow doesn't care to play much. Happy COT!

TorAa said...

Incredible how these small animals do fit into the challenge of the 2100rst centery.

I think they are very smart.

And a gift to have in your home;))

TorAa said...

I'm allways impressed of how fast our beloved Cats do react - and how fun they seems to have.
'Great captured

The Island Cats said...

Hey, Kosmo! That looks like fun!

Nancy in PA said...

Hope your day went ok! Just wanted to let you know I was thinking about you... hang in there!!

Grace In Small Things

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