Tuesday, January 13

Cats on Tuesday: Why we need two hands

See why we need two hands? To give two kitties equal attention!

Mouse sez, I beg to disagree, both hands should be attending ME!

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog. Today is also Tuxie Tuesday and then there's Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Ingrid said...

I think we should have more arms and hands than just two ! It's not enough if you have more than one cat. Little Rosie is very jalous and attacks if I pay too much attention to the others !

meemsnyc said...

We tried to leave a comment but blogger crashed. Sigh.

Two hands = double the love scritches.

Everycat said...

Our humans have been known to pet us using their feet if they have run out of hands. Perfect excuse for a chomp of cheesy goodness if you ask me.

Whicky Wuudler

NoBS said...

Oh dear! Your Cosmo has little short legs and a belly too! Just like my Flynn! Flynn also has teeny tiny feet so it feels like I'm being stabbed sometimes when she steps on me in the wrong place with all of her weight on one foot!

BTW: I fully agree with the two hand thing. For about a year, I had 3 cats and it got very ugly sometimes. Whenever one got attention the others needed it too.

Cafe Cats said...

Ma was pettin' Bebe and me at the same time last night too, then Iago came and messed it all up.


Luna und Luzie said...

Cute!!! Our cats don´t want to share my hands they want both hands for themself.
I only have one cat to cuddle or they hiss to each other!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Sometimes mom could use six hands...but dat is only in da morning when we all want attention at da same time.

Grace In Small Things

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