Tuesday, February 3

Cats on Tuesday: Can't Catch Up

In about 10 minutes I will have to start driving all around south New Jersey *again* even as the snow is falling down! :P But first...

All of us with fur babies know that they like to "help" us read the computer screen for messages on forums and emails. I find the more "help" I have, the behinder I get!

Here Mouse reads the screen carefully while Cubby supervises my typing...except I can't really see what I'm doing.

Ah, I figure this is what they want anyway! :)

Cubby's grandmama, Jean, has been staying in touch with us and we've become friends. I'm sorry to hear that she's suffering complications in her hand after breaking her arm last November. Recovery has been frustratingly slow. We are all praying for you, Jean, to have a speedier and full recovery!

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog. Today is also Tuxie Tuesday and then there's Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Mo said...

You have a gorgeous crew there! Truly beautiful cats...

thanks for sharin' 'em, and have a great week ahead!

~Mo (Sushi the manx)

Ingrid said...

Cats are perfect secretaries ! Rosie loves to watch the printer when something comes out !
and keyboards are such nice napping places !

Unknown said...

Oh I know what you mean! My Mimi will walk across my keyboard and do things to my computer I could never have figured out myself lol. She hangs out while I am at my desk and dh calls her my executive assistant. :) Have a wonderful week.

C'est moi Claudette said...

WOW you have so many staff members. Are they good at taking their breaks on time? I'm sure they require many. lol
Happy COT day
Love the pic
I do not use my blogger acc

kuanyin333 said...

Anela has never taken any interest in my computer...I guess she's a laid-back Island cat. However, I think it's great to have such accomplices. :-)

Grace In Small Things

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