Wednesday, February 25

Wordless Wednesday: Mischief Maker

Wordless Wednesday


Irishcoda said...

Cubby: Uh-oh, caught in the act! Drat, no wapping of objects today!

Homemom3 said...

how many items fell after that pic was taken? Was there a blogger injured in the act? hehe. Happy WW! Love the feline. :)

Tricia said...

Cubby you naughty boy. Must be the orange in them, cause my Clarkie, aka Fat Orange, does the same kind of crazy stunts.

Tabbikat's Thoughts

Luna und Luzie said...

We donĀ“t think you fit in that shelf.
What are you looking for?

Gattina said...

That I call an intellectual cat !

catsynth said...

Uh oh, I'm guessing someone isn't supposed to be up there.

The Island Cats said...

Is there enough room in there for you, Cubby??

Grace In Small Things

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