Tuesday, June 21

Tracking My Weight Loss

My weight loss since I first began my WLS journey:

And since I had surgery:

As of July 5, I only have 16.5 lbs. to go to my goal! Woooohoooo!

Check it out!

Blogger now lets me make tabbed pages and I think it's really cool!

I have updated information about my weight loss surgery progress pictures and story under my WLS Progress page.

My book list and resolutions for 2010 are now listed on the "About Me" page. Please click away!


becomingkate said...

You're doing so great! Keep up the good work!

Ellen Whyte said...

Your weight loss is so amazing. I'm horribly jealous! Also dead curious about that box! Meow from all of us and will check back on Friday to see who/what is in there.

Ydiana said...

Way to go..! Keep up the good work. You can do it!!

Ellen Whyte said...

HI, I’m passing you the International Community Blog award this week. Check it out at http://www.lepak.com/katztales.html

Whimpurr said...

Great job! Happy 4th to you!

Nancy in PA said...

Wahoo!!! Over halfway there! Good for you!!! Keep up the good work! :-) Hugs of congratulations to you!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Visiting back here.. You are a very good example to those people who wants to lose weight.. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

Amazing well done! You are an inspiration to us all. Keep going you can do it!

Mimi Lenox said...

Please join us for The Queen's Meme on Tuesday. Hope to see you there! #14 ~ Do You Believe In Magic?

Mimi Queen of Memes

Judd Corizan said...

Hi Irish Coda-

I want to thank you for playing Sunday Stealing. We are excited to announce our new Friday meme, The Dating Profiles Meme (datingprofilememe.blogspot.com), and I'm inviting you to give it a shot. Every Friday we will find 10 of the strangest, lamest profile quotes from sites like Match.com or Yahoo Personals. We will choose gender neutral statements. This meme will ask you to give an honest reply or quip to the statement. Married or single, we know you'll enjoy it!

And whether you join us this Friday or not, thanks for playing with us Sundays.



Cindy said...

Great job! I keep thinking about surgery as well.

Pop Art Diva Enterprises said...

Congrats! You will probably like #5 on my 13 Things to do with LEFTOVER TURKEY! or maybe #13 better!

Cindy said...


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

I'm SO behind on welcoming everyone to the challenge! I hope you are enjoying it so far! I have an additional post on the blog for reviews. The Mr Linky is malfunctioning so if you don't see it, post your review link in the comments (this is optional).

Also, stop by and visit my new Christmas blog http://christmasspirit-thetruebookaddict.blogspot.com/

Love your blog...kitties = <3 I'm now following!

Happy Reading!

Luna und Luzie said...

That is great! Congratulations!

Teena in Toronto said...

Happy blogoversary :)

Debra Taylor said...

Congrats on such amazing weight loss!

Thanks for commenting on my blog



Boo-Bah AKA Iris said...

Good for you on your weight loss! I am wishing you continued success.

Times with our grandkids are special for sure.

I enjoyed the pictures a lot.


Ellen Whyte said...

Amazing work, Irish. Let me know when you cat blog again?

CountryDew said...

Great work! Keep it up!

Mia Celeste said...

Wow, you're doing great!

Kimo and Sabi said...

We wish you a healthy and happy new year 2010!

Ellen Whyte said...

I don;t make resolutions either. But maybe I'll try to be more patient!

Love the cat stand below.

Forgetfulone said...

Those are great goals! I wish you much success. That's a lot of books you're going to read!

sherilee said...

That's a great list of goal! Best of luck with them... they look worthwhile and life-changing.

Nessa said...

Someone I know calls them suggestions for possible things to consider, maybe. I like the lack of pressure in that.

13 Characters from Rose and Prince Brendan

KJ said...

Congrats on the weight loss! I am a WLS patient too...almost two years ago and down about 107 pounds and still working on getting to the number in my head.

Thanks for the blog comment and keep up the amazing work!

Kim @ knitten-kittens

Rhoda Galgiani said...

This is a wonderful blog. I love all your cats! I invite you to visit my website dedicated to my two cats Max 14 and Gracie 1 1/2 at: Expressions Poetry Journal chesakat1.blogspot.com

Rhoda Galgiani, Poet

Congratulations on your weight loss. I am just starting a Weight Watchers program myself...

Rhoda Galgiani said...

Thank you for visiting Expressions. It seems we have a lot in common, Weight Loss, Diabetes II and Kitties. I have joined a weight loss program again and I hope it will help me. My new doctor recommend I try it again. Congratulations on your loss, you look wonderful...The only thing different is I never re-married! Does your new hubby have a friend??? LOL I look forward to reading more of your blog.

aka: The Mother Cat
by my poetry friends


Anonymous said...

I bet you can do it!
keep up the spirit ^^!

warm greeting 0_0

Cindy said...

Awesome job!!

Barbara said...

Wow! What a spectacular transformation, well done you!

Kwee Cats and Art said...

Hi. I just wanted to leave you a note that I finally got my cat site at least up. Its at http://kweecats.blogspot.com/ When you get the time, I woul like very much to know what you think of it. I appreciate your enthusiasm and encouragement. Do, please, have a good weekend.

essay said...

I was really happy to arrive this site. I needed to thank you for this fantastic article!! I certainly
enjoying every small bit of it.Good for you on your weight loss!I am wishing you continued success.
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