Friday, May 15

Feline Friday: "I've got Kosmo...

eating right out of my hand!" sez TB.

Actually, Koz is just in a licking frenzy!

Want more cat blogging? Be sure to check out Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest and a listing of this weekend's carnivals!


Jopanofmanypets said...

hi. I've just found you're blog for the first time and i'm impressed.
I'm sure it tells you somewhere but i'm new to the blog. How many cat's do you have? I thought i had a few when i had four but it looks like you might have more. I love cats and its nice to see other people do to. After the death of three of mine i do wish for more. Its blogs like this that keeping me going until i can get another fluffy little whirlwind (my one remaining cats lonely, but i live with the parents who won't allow anymore pets)anyway sorry i've been rambling. To sum up. I love the blog. :)

Jopanofmanypets said...

oh hang on i've just noticed photos...You have Five cats?

Ingrid said...

Arthur would even jump in your plate when there is something he likes, lol !

Jopanofmanypets said...

Hello again! No the parents won't allow it, the cat we have now isn't keen on the litter tray so they don't want another one learning her tricks. When i move out though - and that can't be too far away now - i'll get as many cats as i can happily keep. The pie was nice. You couldn't taste the nettles just cheese and spinich which was good. The lettuce was a challenge but i hid it under the pie :)Thats a cool blogger name you've got by the way.

Jopanofmanypets said...

I'd forget my own head if it wasn't screwed on.
I'm sorry ot hear about Sox. I know how it feels.

Jopanofmanypets said...

Derbyshire is neither east, south north or west :) it is the dead centre of the island. If you put you're finger right in the middle i reckon that would be Derbyshire. If it helps (and it did when i visited America at age eleven) im about nine miles from nottingham (robin hood country!)

Katie said...

Haha that's so cute - you should definitely not bite the hand that feeds you! Looks like licking beats biting anyway! :)

Anonymous said...

Kewel bloggy. Us kittiez tinks dat eatin' outa da hand dat feedz youz iz a good thing ta do☺

Grace In Small Things

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