Thursday, September 24

Thursday Thirteen #37: The C's of me!

Today I'm back to the alphabet for my list of thirteen!

1. Cassie: That's me! :)

2. Church: has become an important part of my life again. I've been away for so many years and so has Ted. A lot of it had to do with losing our spouses. For me, I also felt I didn't "fit" anymore as a widow. I felt awkward and out of place. People often didn't know what to say to me. Well, that was then, this is now.

3. TB and I feel at home at Calvary Baptist Church. :)

4. Cats have always been in my life. I love my furry friends. I've had a cat since I was a baby, with the first Bootie. Now I have six! Er, enough already, right? Heh.

5. I love the Christmas season. It's not about the presents. It's about the birth of our Saviour and it's also about the spirit that goes with the season. My fondest memories are of snowy evenings, cheery greetings from even strangers, and the spirit of good will toward everyone. I loved Christmas Eve service and the glow of candles that gently lit our church in the late evening--almost midnight. I love the songs and the hymns. I love it all--except for the commercialism. Remember Albert, from "Miracle on 42nd Street"? He loved to play Santa for the happy looks on the faces of kids but everything was "commoilshilism, commoilshilism." That's me, I'm Albert. Heh.

6. I am always trying to catch up, especially these last few weeks. Whew!

7. One of my fondest memories is growing up (at least until I was 10) with my cousins. When we moved to Maryland, I saw them maybe once a year. Now I don't see them often at all but try to stay in touch as much as possible. I love and miss you, guys!

8. One of my favorite childhood games was checkers. My grandma taught me to play.

9. I was saddened to read my father's cause of death on the certificate: artherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. He'd stopped going to the doctor for routine physicals 10 years ago. He told my mother he didn't see the point. He felt "fine". :( See, this is the insidious thing--you could feel "fine" but meanwhile you're not!

10. I am glad I learned how to use my computer. It's the easiest way for me to stay in touch with my friends and family and to make new friends--all around the world!

11. When I want to splurge on a "decadent" dessert, I always go for a loaded cheesecake. Yum!

12. I love taking pictures with my electronic camera!

13. One of my passions is creative writing. Unfortunately, I don't focus enough on the follow-through. Weird, huh?

Want more? Click here for more Thursday Thirteens!


Cindy said...

That's neat! It's nice to get to know you. But you should have 13 cats! to go with the 13.

Elizabeth said...

If I did a "C list" it would include almost all the same things; including cats (#1), cheesecake, computer, checker, etc. Great list.

Grace In Small Things

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