Tuesday, November 17

COT: Comfy Cozy

CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers who share pictures and/or stories about their cats once a week, hosted by Gattina.

Aren't rocking chairs great? I love them! There is something so soothing about rocking back and forth, be it on a regular rocker or a glider. For the gang, they are comfy cozy to sleep on too! Here are Mouse and Kosmo, snuggled up together.

I didn't want to disturb the boys by moving around to take a picture of their faces so this is a little hard to see. Mouse started grooming Kosmo as he slept. It was so adorable to watch!

Later on, TB sat in the rocker to relax and read. He often likes to do this when I'm on the computer--I'm to the left of the safe. Munchkin found another place to curl up and be cozy--right at Daddy Bean's feet, on the ottoman.

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog. Today is also Tuxie Tuesday and then there's Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Al said...

Uh huh...I know how it is to be on a rocking chair, it rocks, and it makes us sleepy...yawnns! I'm gonna go back and rock again. MOL!


Sharon Wagner said...

Comfy Cozy is right!

Tinnocker said...

Being converted from a dog lover to a cat lover is a wonderful thing. It's like the person who quits smoking and goes to the other extreme and hates the smell of smoke. Rockin' with my sweetie, my cats and a good book, it just doesn't get any better!


They definitely look cozy and happy.
I think most kitties are looking for
warm spots to sleep now that it is
November. Have a good day.

Lisa Kolosey said...

Looks like a sweet and comfortable home for lots of loving kitties! You nearly have as many as we do!
~Lisa Co9T

Anonymous said...

Everybody looks so comfy in the rocking chair and with pop bean!

Anonymous said...

We has a rockin' chair but we don't share. We swat an' bitey anyone dat wants to share wif the kitty that gots dere first☺

Cindy said...

perfect cuddle shots.

Pam said...

That's so sweet that your cats will get close to each other. Sassie and Peeve won't get near each other. I don't think Sassie knows she's a cat. She thinks she's a short, furry human.

The Chair Speaks said...

Such round shiny behinds!

Ingrid said...

What cosy pictures ! Since TB lost so much weight he looks at least 10 years younger and I bed he feels much better too ! We have a wonderful time in Egypt, I miss my darlings of course !
Hugs from Egypt !

Grace In Small Things

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