Tuesday, August 9

Cats on Tuesday: Munchkin Has A Nest Too

CATS ON TUESDAY is a group of cat lovers who share pictures and/or stories about their cats once a week, hosted by Gattina.

Indigo's not the only one wif a nice hidey spot! Check mine out! I fink it's even nicer! I'm lying on a nice soft comforter instead of on toppa dirty clothes. An' I have friends to keep me comfpany! Mommy Bean's daughter made hers some stuffed kitties. Dey aren't as nice as us real fings but dey sure do make great pillas!

Want more cat blogging?

Be sure to check out Gattina's blog and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


The Chair Speaks said...

Oh yes! The smug look says it all! :)

Sharon Wagner said...


Ingrid said...

Now that's a real comfy place !

Photo Cache said...

Scoot over we want to go under there with ya!

Emma and Buster

Photo Cache said...

Scoot over we want to go under there with ya!

Emma and Buster

Grace In Small Things

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