Tuesday, May 29

Cats on Tuesday: Don't lick the cream paint

ARGH, look at this mess, Amber says to Mouse. And Mouse answers, mess? What mess? You woke me up for this?

Actually, this is one of the first times Amber's come out to have her picture taken since we got Indigo a couple of months ago.

But what is this? It probably doesn't show in the picture but it seems Amber's brushed up against a newly painted wall. She had streaks of cream color paint on her sides.

Uh-oh, Amber, you'll need a bath! Paint is not good for you ... but already it was too late. Amber must have been licking at some of it because she began to get sick within a few minutes after this picture was taken. I have no idea how much paint she might have ingested but I did call Animal Poison Control. It costs $55 for a consult but then if you have to call back later (which we did) they continue to advise you at no cost.

We'd been using a non-toxic paint with some kind of fish oil in it which might be why Amber didn't mind licking it. It's not good for cats, though, and that's why she was throwing up. We had to get her to rest her tummy. The people at Poison Control told us she would be fine as long as she didn't start bringing up blood--which she didn't. What a relief!

Amber sez, "Calling it 'cream' is misleading! We should get our money back! That wasn't 'cream'!"

Thankfully she is much better today!

Want more cat blogging?

Check out: Cats On Tuesday

Lisaviolet's Diary (Tummy Tuesday)

Cat Planet and any or all of the links under Cat Blogging on my side bar!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Poor Amber! :( I'm so glad that she wasn't seriously taken ill and that she is now doing better.

Suzanne R said...

Oh, poor kitty! It's good that you were able to get good advice so that you were sure that she would be okay, and that she is doing well now. I had no idea that paint could appeal to cats; I'll have to remember that if I ever do any painting around here.

FelineFrisky said...

My goodness! Thank heavens Amber is ok now. Yuck - wet paint.

They are all beauties. Love the up close shot in your side bar.

D :)

Grace In Small Things

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