In between the video clips Heidi took of the cats' decadent catnip party, she also took some stills. Here Kosmo despondently realizes there's no more nip but's the lid! There must be some more stuff to sniff or lick off it!
Mine says Kosmo, mine! No I'm not sharing! Mine mine mine! Here, I'm going to lie down on it (see the video from Friday).
Somehow Amber managed to finagle the lid away, probably by hissing and smacking Kosmo in the head. She gets pushed around only so many times before she gets fed up and turns on the boys. Sometime, I've got to capture that someway somehow. She gets up on her hind legs and boxes whoever she's mad at with her forepaws!
This makes for a good Tummy Tuesday, no?
Whooo-eee, says Mouse, that's some strong nip! Why is the room tilting? Why is the catnip gone? Am I too wasted for Tuxedo Tuesday? Oh no, say it ain't so!
Indigo wants to know, why wasn't I invited?
And Buddy says, "I wasn't invited either!"
Kosmo says "Aw applesauce! Woofies don't go to catnip parties! And Indigo...don't hide upstairs next time!"
Tune in another day to see what happens when Indigo ventures forth! Happy Cats on Tuesday, well, it's almost Wednesday!
Want more cat blogging?
Try Cats on Tuesday
Tuxedo Tuesday
Tummy Tuesday
Cat Blogging Noos
Great photos! :) That lid looks like a great toy! :)
hiya! fanks for coming to my blog! my brother is a new convert to nip and would have loved the party! :)
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