Cats On Tuesday
Amongst the COTC revelers recently, there was a post from Blog d'Elisson about the kitties making a right angle and there was also one from Composite Drawlings about kitty over-protectiveness of the human bean from other felines in the house! So I got to thinking, that's the boys all over. Not only are they guard cats of my computer screen, they are also trying out geometric patterns and shapes of their own:
I Was Here First!
More cat blogging? In addition to Cats on Tuesday, don't forget:
Tuxie Tuesday
Blogging Cat Noos
and the cat lovers' blogs on my sidebar!
It looks like you do get very cozy in front of the computer. My newest favortie place is on top pf the television in the bedroom.
I don't know why all cats love a computer if there is one in the house ! My cats too except Kim she doesn't bother. I noticed on the pictures that Kosmo has exactly the same fur pattern as my Pookie. Pookie is an english cat she was born in London. I say that because here in Belgium, Germany, Italy or France I have never seen such a fur pattern. The cats have the same color but not stripes it looks more like long spots. Everybody here admires Pookie's fur and in England she would be just an ordinary house cat, lol !
We actually are not fond of the computer, oddly enough. However Daddy taught us from the minute we came to live here that keyboards are not for kitty paws so we very carefully walk around it when we hang out on the computer desk.
I guess Anela is the rule breaker: she's never been fascinated with computers and won't go near one! Happy COT!
Cute slideshow.
My cats all love the computer, just to sit and watch the screen.
We like to sit in front of the computer screen also. It is fun making Ma stand up to look at the screen cause we are in the way. HA HA.
Oh, I like to machine paw the computer screen!! And Tigger just gets in front of it when Mom ignores him and he wants out!!
Your FL furiends,
Don't forget the geometry of their beautiful coats! Wonderful photos.
I just wanted to inform you that today is a very bad day for little Rosie, she will get neutred. Think of her ! (and me)
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