Tuesday, January 1

To move or not to move, that is the question...

Last year, my blog was called Scribblings and it was located on our family website. TB still has a blog there, The Man's Side and has just begun posting there again. Now that the band width issues have been resolved and we're not being charged $300/month overages I thought about moving back on January 1. I'm going back and forth about it. I can move all my widgets and change my information on various blogrolls I belong to and I can more easily use the banner Zoolatry designed for me. Should I or shouldn't I? I'm at the depth of wishy-washiness here. Help me out, please!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who responded to my question so far about what we were doing 10 years ago...who woulda thunk 10 years could go so fast?


Ingrid said...

I can't give you any advise I didn't know you at that time. I came here for Cats on Tuesday and also to wish you a Happy New Year !

Jimmy Joe said...

I think your Scribblings bloggie page looks very classy. But moving can be a lot of work...Happy New Year!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

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