Tuesday, January 29

Cats on Tuesday: Fishy Fun

Cats on Tuesday

Want more cat blogging? Be sure to also check out:

Blogging Cat Noos

The New Tuxedo Gang Hideout for Tuxie Tuesday

and the cat lovers' blogs on my sidebar!


Tybalt said...

I want to come over and play!

Daisy said...

Let's all go fishing!

ps: I loved the music, that was so much fun!

TorAa said...

Haha - your Cats are too Smart: They let you Play and have Fun - at the same time they think: How childish. LOL.

Great entry

Andree said...

what is it with these cats? why do they play, then take a bath, then play?? I'll never understand them!

Mr. Tigger in Cat-Lands said...

Can I come play, too! I love that song!! If Kosmo and Mouse aren't busy send them over to the M-Cats Club! They can join us for some fun.

Ingrid said...

Hahaha, your cats seem to be more annoyed then playing Kosmo looks as if he asks himself why this crazy lady is shaking this thing in front of his nose they are probably very upset that you dared to interrupt their winter sleeping marathon !

PS I think you are right to take this post out, it only will cause trouble. I wrote once about daughter in laws and indirectly complained that whatever I gave her for a gift she never wears or shows it not even the next morning and when I give something to my son for her she doesn't thank at all !
For once I don't know why she read my blog felt attacked and made a big mess ! Now I am only friendly and polite, this girl is finished for me ! She is good for my son and he should be happy I don't have to live with her and I just offer her something to be polite but no great gifts anymore.

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. this is a good video with a nice catchy music. I love it. So who is having the fun more? You or your cat?? haha :P

Grace In Small Things

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