Cats On Tuesday
When you've got more than two cats in a household, you know you're going to have to change the litter often or you get unhappy cats and unhappy household members. The teenage girls in the house aren't on board with the idea, complaining that the litter box is fine or that the cats "poop too much". Amber lets us know she is displeased by going in someone's laundry if the box isn't changed enough.
Usually it's me that changes and scoops every day. TB thought to make life more pleasant all around by showing me a picture of one of those self-cleaning litter boxes. Hey, I admit--I liked the idea right off! This would save wear and tear on my already aching back. So off to Pet Smart we went and this is what we got:
Does that look cool or what? I thought it had a motion or weight detector inside to tell it when to rake and recycle but apparently it has neither. It just automatically goes into motion every 20 minutes. Kosmo was in it one time and just blithely stepped out for a moment while the rake did its thing and then climbed back in.
Amber is another story. I should have known better than to think she'd be pleased with such a contraption. She hates it. I think she's afraid of it because I tried to coax her into it once and you'd think I was taking her to be scalded or something. I actually managed to get her into the box where she promptly totally freaked out and Superman did not fly any higher or faster than Amber did out of that box.
So now we have Amber pooping and peeing all over the house.
Amber: Hmmm...this looks like a good place to go.
Me: Noooooooo, don't let her get near the boxes, they're for the Christmas decorations!
She has pooped and peed on our family room couch, on my poncho and even on my bed while I was sleeping--yes, I woke up to the warm drenching of angry cat!
Mouse sez: I dun know what the problem is, it's kinda like a carnival ride when da t'ing goes off.
Well, I guess we should have introduced the idea more gradually. The pamphlet suggests putting a cup or two of regular kitty litter into the cartridge...or leaving the old box in place until it gets so stinky the cat begins to investigate the new one. Uh, I don't know about that...Amber seems to think any place but there will do.
Kosmo sez: C'mon, Amber, I'll show you--the beans put some regular litter in it.
Amber sez: No t'anks...I like this spot better. Besides, I went already.
And I smell pee all around my desk. :(
More cat blogging? Be sure to check out My Cats & Funny Stories for Cats on Tuesday and also Blogging Cat Noos.
Oh no! I hope Amber gets comfy with the new improved litterbox soon!
Amber is such a lovely big girl! I understand. It is hard to get them to change especially if they have any age on them. The younger ones seem to do better.
Our oldest cat peed on my father in laws Christmas box this year...thank goodness he has a little poodle that pees all over his house so he didn't really notice the smell! We just blow dried it!!!
Is your other litterbox covered? If it's not, she may not like that she can't see all around while she's using the litterbox. You may have to use a separate uncovered box until she gets used to the covered box. Definitely don't try to force it if she's peeing everywhere else. If the other two tend to use the self-cleaning one, then the other box won't get as bad with just her using it, and it will still be easier to clean.
I know that when I only had 3, we had one box, but I cleaned it twice a day. That usually kept them from using other surfaces.
We won't even go there when it comes to the 7 I currently have. I have 4 boxes, yet, we still manage to find little spots here and there.
This is a funny post! Good job! And Happy COT!
Wow, that is a cool litter box.
Our cats are outdoor cats. They use the neighbors garden ;-)but we have a big covered litter box in the bathroom and they use it if they are at home!
Except Frieda sometimes pee on the floor, near the food place, i donĀ“t know why...
Happy Tuesday !
Hahaha ! While reading I thought : my cats would never go on such a thing and further I read the result when you forced poor Amber. I think she must feel like we would sitting on a toilet where a brush is cleaning under our bottoms ! With Lisa I have accidents too she even peed on my computer once and I had to buy a new one ! That was an expensive pee !
Amber, we understand -- we get very upset, too, if anyone tampers with our toilette! But that new one looks pretty nifty to me, so you might want to give it a chance!
Thanks for visiting and commenting for Blessing.
We have two litter boxes and neither are covered. We tried that and none of the cats liked that very much.
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