Saturday, January 19

Just another one of those weeks...

Actually, all of this would be since Little T's surgery on Thursday morning. Little T is right back to his normal sweet and active little self. I think his appetite's a lot better, too!

Later that day, we met with Kristin's doctor. The poor kid was having worse insomnia than ever, not sleeping for 48 hours or better, becoming irritable and so on and it finally hit me that she might be having a manic episode. When we last met with the doctor, since she was still having insomnia, he'd increased her antidepressant hoping that would do the trick. I remembered reading somewhere that an antidepressant can flip someone with bipolar into a manic episode and the doctor agreed. So now she's off the antidepressant all together, is taking more of the mood stabilizer, plus Abilify. On the way to or from the place, I ran into her school to sign a 504 plan for the insomnia issues.

Yesterday morning, TB had an appointment with a retina specialist. He'd been having trouble with his vision the last month or so and his first appointment had been with the eye doctor. She saw some bleeding in his right eye, one of those nasty little problems brought on by diabetes and so we were scheduled for this specialist. Now, a doctor finds something scary wrong and then it takes another month to get in to see the specialist--how's that for stress? Not ten minutes before we were to leave, the phone rang.

Something really terrible happened in Tennessee. No one is sick, dead or in the hospital but it is truly terrible.

There was no way to not go to the specialist though, especially since there was not a blessed thing we could do at the moment especially being 12 hours away.

The retina specialist and the whole staff was wonderful. TB gives more details in his post on The Man's Side. He had laser surgery on his right eye and he noticed almost right away that the distorted letters he'd been seeing were gone. Anyway, it turns out he's got diabetic retinopathy in both eyes--the left is less severe--and so he will be going back for more treatments.

I was on the cell phone talking to Linda and trying to figure out what was happening in Tennessee when TB started strolling through the door outside, surgery completed!

There were none of the "cool" side effects (yellow eyes or skin where he'd been injected with a dye for a procedure to photograph his eyeballs) and so I didn't take any post op pictures of him because he looked about the same as he did before. He was disappointed about that part of it, heh. The doctor said he'd let TB upload the pictures of his eyeballs for his blog when we come back for the second procedure.

This morning, Kristin found two of her three bunnies dead. I need to print a copy of "The Rainbow Bridge" for her. She's never lost a pet before.

It's just been a grand couple of days.


Michelle said...

I'm sorry you've had such a stressful week. I hope everything turns out okay in Tennessee, and I'm sorry about Kristin's bunnies. I'll be praying for you guys!

ZOOLATRY said...

Oh my... some days go by, when I don't check in, and well... you certainly have had your hands full dear lady (but when have they not been full... almost to spilling over). Prayers and thoughts are with you, all of you.
P.S. I think you once asked... am only guessing but think "meezer" is some kind of extension/distortion of "siameeze"... Ann

Grace In Small Things

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