Little T is having new tubes placed in his ears and having his adenoids removed. TB and I dropped Kristin off at her high school about 90 minutes ago. She's going with 20 lottery drawn classmates up to see a procedure and the neat thing is, she and the teachers will be able to speak to the doctors in the operating room. Just don't give me any specific details, Kristin!
Ham that he is sometimes, Little T also can be very reticent about having his picture taken. The other day, TB brought his camera along when we dropped T off at school. This was a morning where he didn't care to have his face snapped.

Poor Pop-Pop. If there's one thing we both like to do, it's take pictures--especially of Little T or the kitties. And they all can be pretty adamant about not looking at the camera.

Except for "bye bye." Then TB was able to get this picture!
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