Sunday, February 24

Easy Like Sunday Morning #2

Mouse: Ah, Sundays are wonderful! There's no place we really have to go and it's great to be able to hang out and sleep all day if we want to! And we have lots of places we like to hang out and relax.

Amber: My favorite place is the chair. I have my own cozy I can snuggle on if I like or I can sit on top of all the papers and junk Mommy usually leaves on the seat!

Mouse: My favorite place is Mommy & Daddy's bed. It's sized for kings and that means I have plenty of places I can curl up and snooze!

Kosmo: I have lots of favorite places like this chair but I hafta say my favoritest of all... my very own bed that Daddy bought for me

Kosmo: I just luffs my bed and it's mine, all mine!

Sox: Except when I sneak into it, then it's mine!

Sox: Yowza, Kozzie, you are right, this is comfy!

Sox: Of course, the bestest place of all on a lazy Sunday is snugglin with Mommy!

More cat blogging? Be sure to check out:

Weekend Cat Blogging, hosted this weekend by the Bad Kitty Cats Journal

Bad Kitty Cats' Festival of Chaos, hosted by Mind of Mog, tomorrow evening or so. The optional theme: catnip or treats

Carnival of the Cats, hosted by House of the (Mostly) Black Cats, sometime tomorrow evening

Blogging Cat Noos


Hot(M)BC said...

Napping all day works for me just great. Enjoy :)
Fanks for joining the Carnival of the Cats this week!
Mini and the rest of the Hotties


Lovely kitties, I enjoyed
your pictures! Have a great

Little Productions said...

Thank you for voting at the Red Carpet Buzz. Unfortunately Karl and Ruis are not eligible!
You may cast your vote for this category( male image edited ) again.
Little Productions

Anonymous said...

Hello, all you beautiful kitties! It's lovely to meet you. And what nice snuggly-comfycozy spots you have!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh! You all have such wonderful places to snooze!!! I must agree that the best place is where ever Mom is and when she gives you scritches :)
Have a fun day
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, we love that picture of you and your mommy snuggling!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You all have great places to curl up and nap! We love to curl up in our mom or dad's lap, or with each other.

Ingrid said...

and I am fat up with all these sleeping cats ! Wherever I look there is one sleeping ! the whole house is a dormitory !! and now I look on your blog and it's not better, lol !

catsynth said...

So many wonderful places to curl up and nap. Especially when you can share.

Grace In Small Things

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