Our Sox is so much fun! He is a cuddling, lovey-dovey mama's boy, curious and mischievous. I was about to do my blog entry for Man Cat with an entirely different theme when I hear a rustle, rustle, rustle. I look to my right and when what to my wonder eyes did appear but a tiny tuxie kitty climbing into my safe!
Before I remembered what I'd just hidden inside the night before, I was completely astounded. What on earth could he want from the safe? He certainly wouldn't be able to fit in the darn thing.
What's he after? It can't be he wants to read my will or insurance policy, the letters from David Selby, notes from Oma in German or other miscellaneous important documents. Is he after the meds I keep locked up (away from small child hands)? Oh, wait...now I remember...
It's the Good Life treats I had to put into the safe so that the gang wouldn't get into it and gulp down the whole bag!
Sox says: oh no you didn't take pictures of me! And that's not me, you can't prove it, my face isn't in the pictures!
Cat Treat Nazi says: no snacks for you! At least...not until after breakfast!
So...I'm not sure if I'll get a chance to update before tomorrow night. TB has an EMG scheduled at noon and then tonight into all day tomorrow I will be with Kristin while she has a sleep study.
So if you want more cat blogging, check out Blogging Cat News!
Thank you for the dedication, lol ! That's far better for my mood ! and you are the first person in my life I met who puts cat treats in the safe !! Not even I had to do that ! (I am laughing my head off)
And you have a german Oma ??
We ALWAYS know where the treats are hehehehe
Treats, you cannot hide from us!!!
Way to go Cat Burglar!
your bud Pepi and the rest of the Hotties
Cat burglar! Cat burglar!
Great job, Sox!!!
Way to go Sox! We have excellent memories and sniffers!
Never try to hide things from a Mancat! heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Too funny, Sox! You are a real cat burglar!
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