Kate's flash forward dealt with her trial once she and the other members of the "Oceanic 6" were rescued. The only real interest I had in it was the big whopper Jack told on the stand (there were only eight survivors of the crash and two died; Kate rescued him and basically the other four as well) and the big twist at the end. Kate kept talking about her son and I thought she might have been pregnant with Sawyer's child ... but she is actually referring to Aaron, who is actually Claire's child.
So what happened to Claire? More about that in a minute...
My favorite character John Locke has now gone totally Lord of the Flies cuckoo. He's unsure of himself again and allows manipulative Ben to get under his skin which makes him meaner and more controlling than ever. He tells Kate (a visitor, not a member of the Locke camp) that she can't visit hostage Miles because this isn't a democracy.
Kate says so this is a dictatorship and Locke responds something like, "If I was a dictator, Kate, I would have shot (or was it killed?) you." Ooooh, scary!
When Kate goes against his wishes and visits Miles anyway--and even worse, brings Miles to visit Ben--John proves he's the decision maker by outright banishing her from the camp. And he goes to Miles and lectures him about breaking rules and needing to punish people for doing that. Here is Locke's punishment for Miles:

Yep, that's a grenade in Miles' mouth. I bet the poor guy is peeing in his pants trying to keep his jaws clamped down around the thing. Even though I believe it's not loaded, Locke has really gone over the top here. It's funny how the Lostaways are turning into The Others that scared and hurt them so much.
And before we decide Locke is an unspeakably cruel dictator, let's pause a minute and reflect that he did make a generous meal for everyone, strangling at least one chicken and getting blood all over his hands in order to prepare for this sumptuous banquet everyone would be summoned to at six.
Except for Hurley, the other members of the group don't seem to mind. They do laundry, enjoy the luxury of laundry and coffee klatches as Locke strangles chickens. One of the best lines of the episode belonged to Sawyer, referring to his fellow groupees: "Baaaaaa." Yes. Sheep.
That brings up a point about a post I saw on The Fuselage forum early on. People were really upset that Claire was laughing, playing with baby Aaron and seemed so happy and content. Didn't she miss Charlie, dead now only two days? Where's the grief? Where's the continuity? That hit me too and I think the writers did make a big goof not showing a more subdued Claire at least once or twice. It didn't bother me that she laughed as she played with Aaron, though, because having experienced the loss of my first husband I can tell you that it's very normal to be able to laugh and seem to be joyful two days after the death...especially if your kids are involved. I took my kids to see Shrek two days after my husband/their father died and I laughed and laughed--no one would have thought I was a recent widow. Also, there was no real closure for Claire yet. I saw Rich's body that morning. I saw him again at the viewings. I knew he was gone. But who knows? With Claire, part of her mind might be telling her that maybe Charlie is still alive. 'Nuff said about that.
Back to Locke, Miles and Kate: It was so all fired important to Miles that he get to speak to Ben and what did he want? To extort money! And so now he gets to hold a grenade in his mouth. Nice. And Kate and Sawyer broke up. Good--he is better off!
Back at the beach, two of the freighties are messing around with cards. One is Daniel the physicist and the other Charlotte the archaeologist. Daniel seems to be either trying to remember cards he's just seen or is trying to predict what they'll be before he turns them over. He is really dismayed by his performance and Charlotte keeps trying to reassure him. What's up with that? I don't think that Daniel is drain bamaged ;) and so I think this is another one of those time/space experiments that is freaking him out.
And then we find out that the helicopter carrying Sayid and Desmond and the pilot never arrived back at the freighter. Uh oh. Did it go where the rocket went before finally arriving on the island?
That was such a big shock about Aaron! Claire's back story was that she and her boyfriend got pregnant and then he walked out on her. She didn't want to keep the baby and went on a lark to see a psychic who reacted rather strongly to her. He warned her that the baby was surrounded by evil and misery and that she had to raise the child herself. She must not let her child be raised by "another" or "an other". That seemed a real possibility that first season as The Others were actively kidnapping children.
Yet, when Claire insisted on giving up her baby the psychic arranged for her to go to California and let a couple adopt the child. It would be safer there for some reason. So did he foresee that Claire would be in the crash and be forced to raise her baby? Or did he just believe Aaron shouldn't be raised in Australia?
And why isn't Claire with her baby? After he was born, she developed a strong bond with him. I cannot imagine that she would willingly give him up for any reason whatsoever. My feeling is that either Aaron was taken by force (and by whom?) and Claire imprisoned somewhere or ... she is dead.
Lost always leaves me with more questions but that's just fine with me!
The excellent recaps are beginning to come in at Dark UFO. These reviewers are great and analyze hundreds of details that I totally miss the first time I view the episode. Thank God for rewinds and the repeat enhanced episode ABC provides the following week!
I took another which Lost character quiz and this time I'm Desmond! Good--he is my new favorite!
1 comment:
Thanks for the link to the thread about Claire and grief. You're right...some people just don;t get it.
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