Friday, February 22

Finally Feline Friday: What's That White Flaky Stuff?

Amber: Oh noes! The sky is falling, the sky is falling! Big white flaky thingys! Kosmo, what are they?

Kosmo: Some kind of space dandruff, I dunno. I am a-scairt to look!

It's covering up the houses! It's covering the street! It's covering the grass!

It's covering up Heidi Bean's car! Are we doomed? Maybe it's just out front...

Sox: Nope, there is more of it here, too!

The backyard is full of it! It's a good thing our bun is inside or he'd be covered in that stuff too!

It's all over the neighbor's car too!

Whatever should we do?

Yeesh, gang, that's not dandruff, it's snow. And we should all go back to sleep!

Want more cat blogging? Check out Blogging Cat News and The Friday Ark.

TB posted an adorable picture of Sox (and me) on his blog, The Man's Side

This weekend:

Check out Bad Kitty Cats Journal for Weekend Cat Blogging

Mind of Mog for the Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos. The optional theme this weekend is catnip or treats

for Carnival of the Cats

Have a great weekend!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Brr! That's lots of cold, white stuff. Stay warm!

Sonya said...

How incredibly cute! I love all of your cats but Kosmo is my fav!

Anonymous said...

Space Dandruff! Those alien's are gonna need a big bottle of Head & Shoulders!

Unknown said...

Hi guys! we was not too sure about the white stuff the first time we saw it. We tried talkin' to it, but it wouldn't talk back. So we took a nap.

Mickey's Musings said...

It's a good thing that ALL of you are inside! That stuff is cold!!!
Snuggle time :)
Purrs Mickey

Catzee said...

That was furry scarey. I'm glad everykitty is warm an' safe.

Ingrid said...

Poor guys you still have snow ?? then it's really better to go back to sleep !

Hot(M)BC said...

Napping is a very good way to deal with it.
Fanks for joining the Carnival of the Cats this week!
Mini and the rest of the Hotties


You have dandruff we have
mega dandruff here, piles of
it. And more coming.
Very cute idea and photos!

Grace In Small Things

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