Saturday, March 1

Building Trust With Cubby

When I woke up this morning, Cubby was cuddling with me! I was so happy I nearly leapt up singing but I didn't want to scare him and so I controlled myself. I think it's a month today that we first brought the boys home with us. From the get-go, Sox was our Mr. Charm & Personality, Mr. Social--Mr. Man. Cubby, though, went right under the bed and stayed there. I knew he'd be slow to warm up because of the hard stuff he'd been through. Yes, Sox went through the same experience but everyone who loves cats know that they're like us in one way for sure: they all have distinct personalities!

In the first few days, if Cubby made eye contact with any two legged animal during his explorations he'd streak right back under the bed. I noticed he'd come out at night to play with Sox and his step-sibs but if a person looked over or drew near, he was back under the bed.

The second week he'd come up and sniff our fingers and briefly rub his head against our hands. The next step: he let us pet him.

And then he trusted us enough to eat from our hands!

Then he'd jump on the bed and join us in the evening when we were reading. Now he's actually snuggling!

He still won't let us pick him up.

Cubby says: Maybe next week! :D

Want more weekend cat blogging? Try these:

Weekend Cat Blogging, hosted by The Mind of Mog

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos, hosted by The New Tuxedo Gang Hideout and the optional theme will be "Favorite Game"

Carnival of the Cats, hosted by Momma Grace & Company

Blogging Cat Noos


Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Now this is great news!
It's really hard to trust again when you had bad experiences in the past for some cats.
Othello trusted easily again but i guess Kashim does not fully trust me even after more than 5 years being with me now.

Keep on Cubby you can trust em they are nice peoples!

Gattina said...

That's so true ! My 5 cats are all very different. The shyest one is Kim the black. She lives with us for 4 years now but still keeps her distances it's strange because I know her from birth on and she always had a good life. She gets a nervous breakdown if you dare to pick her up, lol !

Grace In Small Things

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