We are interested in the less invasive lap band procedure. I've got a whole bunch of questions to ask throughout the whole thing. Some questions only I can answer; some only the doctor or facility can.
If I lose weight, it will decrease my pain because there won't be so much stress on my joints. If I lose weight my slee apnea will decrease. I know what to do in terms of the right food to eat--it's just that I'm in too much pain to exercise. If I could get to a point where I could walk, bike or swim without being in pain all the time then I can exercise and lose even more weight. So here goes!
Oh and while I'm talking about health, here are a couple pictures of my daughter wired up for her sleep study.

Here she is, all wired up and ready for the test to begin. The wires all go to machines that monitor her brain activity, pulse, pluse-ox, whether she kicks her legs or grinds her teeth and so on. First there was an overnight study, basically to determine if she had sleep apnea. If she does, it's really mild! The next part of the test was to have her take 5 naps at different times of the day t o see how sleepy she was. Hope we get some results back soon!
And the next picture is a puzzle, just a little different from the first picture! Enjoy!
P.S. Well, rats! I couldn't post the code here for some reason...but here's the URL for it anyway!
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