Saturday, March 15

Kitty Puzzle & Poll

Create your own puzzles at!

This took me 18 minutes to complete...I did stop to run to the bathroom though :D How long did it take you? And...


Greatfullivin said...

Great puzzle it took me 6:47, once I figured out how to rotate the pieces(LOL) Great Idea!

jane said...


This is a great idea to include in your blog. Keep it up :)

Tinnocker said...

It took me ten min sweetie.
Luv Ya

jane said...

It's me back again...
Just wondering where you found this?

Tonya said...

Happy thursday! Took me 2 minutes. Cute idea.

Ingrid said...

I am not good at puzzles ! I have no patience at all !

Grace In Small Things

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