Sunday, March 2

Sunday Stuff

I visited St. Mark's Church today and I'm glad I did! It's a very small congregation--apparently something bad happened several years ago that caused a traumatic split and like 2/3 of the families and the pastor left. They are trying to recover from that. It's good that they are reaching out to the community. It seems like it's a helpful healing thing to do to reach out to people in need when you yourself are suffering. I'm going to go back again.

Am I being paranoid or what? I installed AIM for my mom, brother and me because it's easy to use and because so many members of the my family use it. But ... any time I've tried to IM one of them, I'd get no response. And one day when I IM'd, the relative abruptly signed off, signed back on, went invisible and then signed off again. Okay, I get it, thinks I. I must smell or something. OR IM'ing to say hi is just not copacetic. So now I don't send an IM--not that I'd get a chance to because when I sign myself on now, a few seconds later BAM! They're off. I don't get it, but I get it. I get it.

Here's a recent picture of Little T. This picture was taken to paste onto a craft that was to be a spring mushroom project. I haven't updated about him in a while--not because anything's wrong with him. In fact, things are very right with him. He's signing more and as his vocabulary increases, he' beginning to enunciate more clearly.

I guess I've been sticking to the cat blogging more for the same reason people used to go see musicals and comedies during the 1930s. I have to have some refuge from the depressing stuff plaguing us, including issues (or people) revolving around Tomas. Oh, I could go on and on and vent here about it all but I rather think people would be shocked and not know what to say. Or I could talk about the finances and TB's suffering...but everyone has problems.

Cat blogging is therapeutic.

Where was I? Oh's one of my favorite memes!

Unconscious Mutterings

I say ... and you think ...

  1. Chemical :: Romance

  2. Poker :: Stud

  3. Federal :: Reserve

  4. Mattress :: air

  5. Who am I? :: I am me

  6. Investigation :: examination

  7. In good hands :: with All State

  8. 8:30 :: Lost is on in half hour

  9. Creditors :: Vampires

  10. Resource :: available to help

It seems I'm in a very weird mood at the moment. Guess I'll take a nap!

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