Sunday, May 18

Easy Like Sunday Morning: House Play

So in the words of it's too good to be true, I learn that the reverse pin idea to notify the police you're in trouble is something of a hoax, a good idea in possible development but one that's not working. It figures. Now that all the bad guys know about it, this is an idea that would have to be abandoned anyway, I'm sure.

My mood: bleh. It's not that I am having a bad weekend. Actually we had a lot of fun with grandson Tomas yesterday and I will be sharing pictures from that. My tummy's freaking out on me, though, and I haven't really great news to report about TB ... like, oh boy! He's feel better!

The truth is...he's not. He's not any better than he was before he went into the hospital. He's still in a lot of pain and feeling miserable. How do you write about that in a new light day after day without sounding like a broken record or whiny or what have you? Neither of us likes to sound that way. I wish I could say that all the rest is helping and that the pain meds are working but I can't. We just have to keep on keepin' on until he can have the weight loss surgery, not to be scheduled not until July. It's going to be a long 6 weeks or so.

And now onto cheerier things, that which takes our minds off our misery: cats.

Mouse loves the second story of his tent. He's always trying to entice us to play with him and it's so hard not to. We usually do stop to play with him.

Soon I realized it was just easier to turn on the video button of the camera!

Want more weekend cat blogging? Check out:

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos will be hosted by the Bad Kitty Cats Journal this weekend

Carnival of the Cats will be hosted by Artsy Catsy

Weekend Cat Blogging will be hosted at Chey's Place

And for all the latest, Blogging Cat Noos!


KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

First, bravo on the Follies video, KC and Smokey sat and watched in rapt attention.
Second, so sorry to hear TB is NOT feeling better after all of that. Poor thing, all of us will keep him in our prayers, and you, too, since you have to care for him.
Third, I am sorry about the reverse ATM. When I first heard about it, I was so excited, too. It's such a great idea. Seems like the things that make sense never get very far.
And finally, where did you get that tent? Wow, that is neat. KC is really staring at it, I believe she knows what that is.
Take care,

Daisy said...

I am so sorry that TB is not feeling any better. Darn it!

Gattina said...

Hehe ! I see you are also a victim and "forced" to play ! I am back and had to deal with offended cats yesterday, lol !

meemsnyc said...

Wow! What an amazing looking tent you got there! We are sorry that TB is not feeling any better. We will purr for you.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Mouse, that's a great tent! You are having lots of fun! :)

We are sorry to hear that TB isn't feeling any better. We are purring and praying for him.

Grace In Small Things

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