Sunday, May 11

A New Generation To Mother

When I got home from one of my visits to TB in the hospital, I found this:

There was a burned smell in the air. Did I panic? What, over something so insignificant as a trashed sink and burning whatever after everything else that's been going on? Of course not. I knew my kids had it under control.

"This is the ugliest cake I ever made!" Kristin exclaimed. Part of one layer had burned and so she made another layer which would have been fine. She put the good half third layer on top of the cake and it still looked fine to me and her brother, just, you know, big.

With all the weight issues we have a two layer cake would have been more than enough but I didn't say anything because it's just this once and that third layer sure added character.

This so called ugly cake is enough to find an entire army!

Even the slopy side cleaned up nicely although Kristin continues to call it the worst cake ever. It wasn't. It was delicious and it had a lot of love in it. And there's a lot of it left to go around again.

Just as we were lighting the candles, we called TB and put him on speaker phone so that he could join in and sing "Happy Birthday" to Bill. It was too weird not to have TB here at all and having him on the phone was better than not at all.

The edema in his legs has gone down and the redness seems to be fading. A doctor specializing in infections came to examine him yesterday and said maybe it's not cellulitis at all but phlebitis. Still they are going to continue the IV antibiotics and recommend that TB see a special physical therapist who will work with him to keep his legs "thin"--meaning keep the fluid out of there. Maybe we can get a two-fer deal as I'd like to do that with my legs! So if all continues to go well, we can have our TB home again tomorrow hopefully!

Now, if I thought the days of waking up early to be the food provider of dependents ended when Kristin was old enough to make her own breakfast, I was mistaken. Yes, first there was my grandson who would get up early before his mother and I would get him breakfast. It's Mother's Day and I'm going to try to be nice and not even go in the direction of how could a mom sleep through her hungry child's need for breakfast. Let's just say that isn't an issue anymore.

Now, though, there's a new breed of dependent that says, "Ma, we know what an old softy you are and we're not waiting for you to wake up and give us breakfast when we are sooooooo hungry!"

I was going to take pictures of them twining around my legs and call it "The Swarm II" but then I was afeared :D and figured I ought to just feed the darlings.

Soon I'm going back to the hospital to see TB so I probably won't have a chance to get around and visit but for others who would like more cat blogging on Mother's Day:

Weekend Cat Blogging at What Did You Eat?

Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos at Sleeping Mommy

Carnival of the Cats at Bad Kitty Cats Journal

and Blogging Cat Noos for all the latest!


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Happy Mother's Day! :)

Anonymous said...

Cake! We love cake, even not-so-pretty cake! Happy Mother's Day!

Tinnocker said...

I sure hope the kids cleaned up the mess and not you sweetie. It's always a good bet to feed those voracious kitties before you sleep in. Who knows what they would do otherwise. ?8^)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Our mum always has to feed us befurr she does anyfing in the morning. She knows she won't get any peace otherwise. That cake might not be the prettiest, but it looks furry tasty and that's what counts.

Daisy said...

Any cake made with love is beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

That cake is one fur tha record books. hee hee.
Happy Mommies Day to your Mommy...
Love an Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
baby Faith Boo

meemsnyc said...

Wow, that is some cake! Looks yummy! Even though it's lopsided, i'm sure it still tastes delicious!

Lux said...

Happy Mother's Day to you!

Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day! And Mom thinks that cake looks delicious. *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!

Nancy in PA said...

Happy Mothers' Day, Cassie! Hope it was still a good one, under all the circumstances...

Happy Recovery, Ted - so glad to hear you are improving! Hope the hospital food doesn't cause any psychological trauma...

Happy Birthday Bill!!! Can't believe you are 21... and to think we knew you when you were just a teenager... ;-)

Good job on the cake, Kristin!! Your mom is right - there's no such thing as a bad cake when it's made with love!

Hi Heidi! :-) Didn't want to say hi to everyone else and ignore you!! LOL Hope all is well with you, too!

Take care and hang in there, guys -
hugs and prayers coming your way...

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Happy Mother's Day (even if it is a day late but momma was not online much yesserday cause she spent most of her time wif gramlady)
and Happy Birthday to Bill!!

We are sending lots of healing purrayers and purrs for TB to get better soon!

Kashim & Othello

Grace In Small Things

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