Saturday, June 14

This That & Many Other Things

It was a whole lot easier setting up an associate's store with Amazon than it was trying to even begin to catalogue all the books I have so I thought I would start with this while I'm doing the other thing. I'm always in the middle of doing this that or the other thing, which is why I gave my blog that name. :P

Anyway, the way it works is if you order through my associate's book store when you go to buy something from Amazon then I get a little something. Please remember me, I'd really appreciate it and so would my 16 year old, who tells me every day she doesn't want to move. I don't want her to have to. :P

There is a widgit in my side bar that will take you to the book store and this is also a direct link:

This That & Many Other Things

Thanks for checking me out!

1 comment:

Kimo and Sabi said...

We hopes you makes some green papers!

Grace In Small Things

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