Wednesday, June 11

Thursday Thirteen #24: Fun Quizzes To Try On Blog Things

Thirteen Fun Quizzes To Try on Blog Things

1. The Beach Test

What the Beach Test Says About You

You tend to be a very social person. You live for your friends and family. You can get social burnout occasionally though. You aren't a total extrovert.

You have cold feet when it comes to love. You have a lot of uncertainty until you convince yourself to dive right in.

You are a passionate person. You are free wheeling, fun loving, and ruled by your emotions.

Your sense of humor is goofy and silly. You are good at making almost anyone laugh.

2. The Gemstone Test

Your Gemstone Says...

You are stable, strong, and full of life. You are an inspiring person.

People turn to you first for leadership and advice.

You are able to gently help people get to where they need to be.

And while you aren't afraid to lead when necessary, you are never heartless or bossy.

3. What Kind of Names Do You Like?

You Like Names That Are Classic and Timeless

You prefer quality names that have stood the test of time.

You don't like anything that's trendy today and outdated next year.

Names are important to you, and naming someone should not be an social experiment.

You are the type most likely to name someone after a family member.

Some female names you might like: Andrea, Elizabeth, Hannah, Julia, Marie, Nicole, and Victoria

Some male names you might like: Aaron, Benjamin, Christopher, Jonathan, Matthew, Thomas, and Zachary

4. What do the contents of your refrigerator say about you?

What Your Fridge Says About You

You like to be surrounded by things you love. You aren't exactly greedy, but you can be materialistic at times.

You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver.

You don't tend to be a very adventurous person, but you do surprise everyone now and then. You have a bit of a wild side.

You are responsible, together, and mature. You act like an adult, even when you don't feel like it.

You are likely to be married - and very busy.

5. What Does your birth month mean?

Your Birth Month is December

You love life and exude an outgoing, cheerful vibe.

Blessed with a great sense of humor, you can laugh at adversity.

Your soul reflects: Celebration, success, and wealth

Your gemstone: Blue Topaz

Your flower: Narcissus

Your colors: Indigo, green, and blue-green

6. Inside the room of your soul

What Your Soul Really Looks Like

You are very passionate and quite temperamental. While you can be moody, you always crave comfort.

You are a grounded person, but you also leave room for imagination and dreams. You feet may be on the ground, but you're head is in the clouds.

You see yourself with pretty objective eyes. How you view yourself is almost exactly how other people view you.

Your near future is calm, relaxing, and pretty much what you want. And it's something you've been anticipating for a while now.

For you, love is all about caring and comfort. You couldn't fall in love with someone you didn't trust.

7. What Kind Of Pet Would YOu Be?

You Would Be a Pet Cat

Independent and aloof, you don't like to be dependent on anyone.

And as for other people, you can take them or leave them. You often don't care.

You live your life by your own rules. And you have deep motivations that no one truly understands.

Why you would make a great pet: You're not needy or greedy... unlike other four legged friends.

Why you would make a bad pet: You're not exactly running down to greet people at the door

What you would love about being a cat: Agility and freedom

What you would hate about being a cat: Being treated like a dog by clueless humans

8. What's Your Learning Style?

You Are a Auditory Learner

You tend to remember what you hear, and you have a knack for speaking well.

You excel at debating, foreign languages, and music.

You would be an excellent diplomat - or rock star!

9. How Well Do You Know Your States?

You Don't Know Your States

You got 6/10 correct.

So you really don't know the way around the map of the US.

Let's hope you're not American... or if you are, that you've never left your state!

10. The Shamrock Personality Test

What Your Shamrock Says About You

You are well balanced and good at taking charge. You have good judgment.

Sometimes you take on too many projects at once. You get stressed out rather easily.

You don't really consider yourself a lucky person. In your view, people create their own luck.

You are traditional, easy going, and appreciative of the simple things in life.

11. What is your true birth month?

Your True Birth Month Is March






Loves traveling

Loves attention

Shy and reserved

Musically talented

Loves home decor

Not easily angered

Sensitive to others

Loves special things

Attractive personality

Loves to serve others

Loves peace and serenity

Observant and assess others

Loves to dream and fantasize

Appreciative and returns kindness

Hasty decisions in choosing partners

Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic

12. How is your inner child?

Your Inner Child Is Surprised

You see many things through the eyes of a child.

Meaning, you're rarely cynical or jaded.

You cherish all of the details in life.

Easily fascinated, you enjoy experiencing new things.

13. What Dessert Are You Most Like?

You Are a Brownie

Decadent and intense, you aren't for the weakhearted.

Those who can deal with your strong flavor find out how sweet you really are.

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!

The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Danica Favorite said...

These look like fun!

Lori Watson said...

These are fun! I am going to save a link to this post so I can try some of these when I am clueless what to post on my blog,lol! :-)

Dane Bramage said...

I am going to take some of these right now!

My Thursday Thirteen #82 is up! 13 Fun Facts about Walking It's more fun than fact :-) Stop by if you get a chance!

Melanie said...

I love these things!!

marcia@joyismygoal said...

Yours and mine were so similar

maggie said...

So much fun! I'll have to try some of those quizzes, too. Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

I did the fridge one.

You aren't greedy, but you don't really deprive yourself either. You strike a good balance with the stuff you buy.

You tend to be a fairly thrifty person. You splurge occasionally, but you're mostly a saver.

You are a very adventurous person. You love to try new things, and you get bored very easily.

You try to be responsible, but you don't always succeed. Your heart is in the right place though.

I think they've got my number.

My TT is at

Grace In Small Things

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